From Early ape to todays Man Today we will learn; Did we descend from early apes? Where is the evidence?
Is it Darwin or Lamarck?
A Quick Reminder… Darwin stated that any species that had AN ADVANTAGE in its environment would be more likely survive, pass on its genes and therefore that ADVANTAGE would increase in number over years and years Lamarck stated that a species could gain a characteristic during its life e.g. a stretched neck in giraffes and the characteristic would be passed to its offspring therefore increasing the nuumber of that characteristic
If the earth flooded, animals who have gills will survive and increase in number
If you are a swimmer and you train your lungs to hold breath for longer, your child will be able to hold their breath longer
Giraffes developed long necks gradually over millions of years as those with genes for longer necks got more food so survived better
Elephants developed trunks because it was an advantage for those with longer noses to be able to take in more water to survive better
If a monkey stretches its arms as it travels from tree to tree, its offspring will be able to each much further
Rearrange the skulls in the order which they appeared on earth
1. A. afarensis 2. A. africanus 3. H. erectus4. Early Homo 5. Homo. sapien