Moving On … From W. W. Estes, Glen Arden, and Avery’s Creek Elementary Schools to Charles T. Koontz Intermediate School
Your future is bright as you begin a new journey in new school. Charles T. Koontz Intermediate School
School Focus School Safety Academic Success School Service Leadership Empathy and Respect Attitude Discipline of Self Learn and Implement the 7 Habits
Transition Activities Fourth Grade students and teachers visit Koontz –Estes on Wednesday, February 26th from 12:45-2:00 –Glen Arden on Thursday, February 27 from 12:45-2:0 –Avery's Creek on Friday, February 28 from 12:45-2:00 Monday, March 3-Parent Orientation-Koontz open to 4th grade parents and students at Koontz 5:00-7:00. –5:00-5:45 parents and students can tour the school. –5:45-6:00 General Orientation by Administration –6:00-7:00 Curriculum Expectations PowerPoint by Teachers
Transition Activities Continued Monday, April, 7 th -25 th, Ms. Rice and Rambassadors will visit each 4th grade classroom for a transition presentation with elementary counselors.. Ms. Rice and Koontz office staff arrange small group tours with parents if requested and forth graders who have special needs or concerns. Wednesdays from 8:00-9:30
Fall Transition Activities August 2014-Meet Your Teacher Day: Rising 5th graders come into Koontz to meet their assigned teachers. Koontz teachers have created an extensive 20 day plan to support students with PBIS expectations, organization skills, team building and focus on leadership roles in the classroom/school. There will be a Curriculum night at Koontz after the school year is well on its way.
Charles T. Koontz Intermediate School
Principal Dr. Gibbs
Assistant Principal Mr. Chris Cowan
5 th Grade Counselor Myra Miller-Rice
What’s the big deal about a new school?
The new building is registered with the US Green Building Council ☼The building is built to use daytime lighting to reduce energy costs. ☼It also uses thermal heating and cooling to reduce energy consumption. ☼Other green features include water cisterns, automatic water and lighting features and gardening areas.
Outdoor Classroom
Basketball Courts
Technology Labs
Koontz has the latest technology. Classrooms are high tech –Electronic whiteboard –Wireless access for laptops –Digital Video Device for projects
Media Center Access to E-Readers
Cool Bathrooms
School Session 7:45-2:45 academic day Car Riders may be dropped off as early as 7:00 Car Riders released at 2:45 2 bus loads 1 st load arrives by 7:15am and leaves at 2:45 2 nd load arrives by 7:35 and leaves by 3:20
How does an Intermediate School work? You still follow the 5 th and 6 th grade core curriculum for academics All 5 th and 6 th grade students will participate in exploratory classes like music, art, technology and PE. (Drama is not a given any year). Additional exploratory classes may be offered to 6 th grade students (like band, strings and Spanish).
Team Teaching One teacher for Science and Math One teacher for Language Arts (writing/reading) and Social Studies. Students transition to teachers with their class. Students attend UA subjects with their class
Clubs Leadership Council Critter Club Flute Choir Garden Club Group Games Club Hospitality Club Lego Robotics and Cyber Droids Club Ready, Set, Create Club Theater Set-Design Theater Set-Design Theater Crew Unicycle Club Recycling Club Reporter’s Club The Rockin’ Rams Chorus Think Globally-Act Locally Yearbook Yearbook
Rumor has it when your tardy…..
Some things will change Team Teaching Increased opportunities for independence and leadership Cool new school building New friends to meet
And Some Things Don’t Change…
Welcome Rising 5 th Graders Koontz Intermediate is a great place to learn!