Year 7 International Boat Challenge Design and make an environmentally friendly boat to help world trading J
Starter – to get you thinking like a designer! Now Using the images in front of you – put the correct name tag of the boat with the images – work as a team! Then Put them in order of: Cargo capacity (how much the boat will hold) Speed of the vessel – you will have to guess! Extension: Consider how boat design has changed and also how you think boats of the future will differ J
Were you right?! Naming Modern WarshipTugPleasure Boat Historic Warship Sailing Boat Reconnaissance Powerboat Cargo Vessel Historic Fishing ….. to get you thinking like a designer!
Were you right?! Cargo Size… Modern Warship Tug Pleasure Boat Historic Warship Sailing Boat Reconnaissance Powerboat Cargo Vessel Historic Fishing Sailing Boat ….. to get you thinking like a designer!
Were you right?! Speed… Modern Warship Pleasure Boat Historic Warship Reconnaissance Powerboat Cargo Vessel Sailing Boat 123 Tug Historic Fishing 9 ….. to get you thinking like a designer!
Year 7 International Boat Challenge We Are Learning To: Design and make an environmentally friendly boat to help world trade. What Mr Smith and Mr Baker are Looking For: Effective Teamwork Understanding of differences in design of boats and their use A boat that can complete the task! J
The Situation Countries across the world buy and sell products to each other to fill gaps in their own societies. This is called importing and exporting. People often rely on money generated from this trade to survive. In some cases products need to be transported great distances across the world, often by sea. C
Todays Competition Each team will receive an equal measure (weight) of a popular exported product manufactured in their country. Your aim: …to transport your product as far as possible in our shipping route. China – Rice Norway – Softwood Italy - Pasta RiceSoftwoodPasta C
Todays Competition Each team will have the same kit of materials which you can utilise to manufacture your boat. You will have minutes to make your boat before the challenge begins. Your boat must also use the renewable energy source provided. C
Making Using your materials kits your team should: Mark out: Using a rule, square and pencil Cut: Using tennon and junior hack saws. Join: Using PVA glue and pins Abrade: Using files and glasspaper Drill: Using a Hand drill C
Materials - Each team will receive A team flag Blu-tack A selection of elastic bands Sections of softwood Your cargo Two cargo holders Two hooks Propeller C
Rules (Design Criteria) Your boat should: Fit into the shipping lane for testing (no wider than 170mm) Use one of our propellers and elastic bands together with hooks. Only be made from the materials provided Attempt to carry all of the provided cargo Must be made within 40 minutes Be as streamlined as possible to reduce water friction Display your country flag Leave a gap of 50mm for the propeller. J
Points System – how you will be scored Teamwork /25 Amount of Cargo carried /25 Distance Travelled /25 Boat build quality /25 There will be prizes!! J
Your Teams: (you have till 1505) China Norway Italy C
Activity for 10mins Draw your final design – this can be done by one or two of your team Using the sheet that you have been given – evaluate your team for the criteria given. BE CRITICAL!!!
The Assessment Sheet How well did we perform as a team ? ___/5 Did we get any ideas for the design of our boat from the ___/5 starter activity pictures? Did you use the specification to help your designing?___/5 Would your boat impact on the delivery of the export in ___/5 a positive way? MARKING SCHEME Completely 5 Partially 3 Not at all
The Race – Who will win? China Norway Italy C
Prize Giving! 1 st Place = Activity kits plus D&T badges! 2 nd Place = Stationary plus 5 merits each! 3 rd Place = Novelty Erasers plus 3merits each! 1530
Plenary See WALTs and WILFs We are Learning to… What I am Looking For… CLICK HERE
CONGRATULATIONS! You have learnt to: …consider the history of design of a product.. …its influence on local customs, exports, and economic success! …work as a team …be creative …critically evaluate against criteria …apply existing knowledge You have experienced: 12/12 key concepts 6/8 key processes in the 2008 National Curriculum in the last 3 lessons!! 1535
Year 7 International Boat Challenge Design and make an environmentally friendly boat to help world trading J