Phoenix Chinese in China Source: CTR - CNRS 2011 (May - Oct 2011) 36 cities in China.


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Presentation transcript:

Phoenix Chinese in China Source: CTR - CNRS 2011 (May - Oct 2011) 36 cities in China

CTR- CNRS China National Resident Survey (CNRS) Conducted by CVSC-TNS Research Co. Ltd. (CTR) Personal interview + self completion questionnaire to individuals Aged 15+ registered permanent residents Living in 36 China cities Fieldwork conducted in May - Oct 2011

CNRS - 36 cities in China Beijing Changchun Changsha Chengdu Chongqing Dalian Foshan Fuzhou Guangzhou Guiyang Hangzhou Haikou Harbin Hefei Jinan Kunming Lanzhou Nanchang Nanjing Nanning Ningbo Qingdao Shanghai Shenzhen Shenyang Shijiazhuang Suzhou Taiyuan Tianjin Wenzhou Urumqi Wuxi Wuhan Xian Xiamen Zhengzhou

TV is the most popular media in China Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556) Daily reach rate%

Chinese audience spent more time on TV Average Time Spent / Day (minutes) Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556)

Phoenix Chinese is the most popular oversea regional channel % watched past 30 days Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556); Channels watched in past 30 days

Phoenix Chinese viewer profile - Gender All 15+ in 36 cities Phoenix Chinese viewers Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556) Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353) Male 52% Female 48% Female 44% Male 56%

Profile % Phoenix Chinese viewer profile - Age Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556) Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353)

Phoenix Chinese viewers are well-educated 60% Phoenix Chinese viewers receive professional or above education Profile % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556) Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353) Remarks - Refuse to answer respondents are excluded.

Phoenix Chinese viewers are more affluent 60 % Phoenix Chinese viewers with monthly household income RMB8,000 or above Profile % Monthly household income Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556) Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353) Remarks - Refuse to answer respondents are excluded.

Phoenix Chinese viewers hold higher positions 38% Phoenix Chinese viewers with managerial grade or above occupation Profile % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556) Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353) Remarks - Refuse to answer respondents are excluded.

Phoenix Chinese viewers hold higher positions than local satellite channel viewers Viewer profile – PMG* Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556); Channel watched past 7 days. *PMG – Professionals/ Managers/ Government officials Remarks - Refuse to answer respondents are excluded. Profile %

Phoenix Chinese viewers are more affluent than local satellite channel viewers Viewer profile – Average monthly household income more than RMB10K Profile % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities(103,045,758/ 40,556); Channel watched past 7 days. Remarks - Refuse to answer respondents are excluded.

TV is no.1 mass medium to receive information for leisure travels Profile % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities (103,045,758/ 40,556); Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353) Main channels to obtain travel information (leisure travels)

Phoenix Chinese viewers are more likely to have both business and leisure air travels Profile % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities (103,045,758/ 40,556); Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353) Purposes of Air Travel

Phoenix Chinese viewers are likely to travel with tour groups and self-driving tours Profile % Most Often Travel Methods Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities (103,045,758/ 40,556); Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353)

Phoenix Chinese viewers are more likely to have Leisure Travels Frequency of Leisure Travels Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities (103,045,758/ 40,556); Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353) Profile %

Phoenix Chinese viewers are more likely to have Leisure Travels Leisure Air Trips in past 12 months Profile % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities (103,045,758/ 40,556); Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353)

Phoenix Chinese viewers enjoy their leisure time Agree / Strongly agree % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities+ Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353)

Phoenix Chinese viewers more likely to have hi-tech consumer durables Profile % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities (103,045,758/ 40,556); Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353)

Phoenix Chinese viewers are more financially aware *including: National Debts, Stock A in Shanghai/Shenzhen, Domestic Stock B, Stock of Hong Kong/Overseas market, Bonds, Real Estate, Foreign Currency, Gold, Domestic or Overseas Futures, Collection, Fund, Insurance investment, Lottery, RMB Personal Financing, Others **including: Stocks purchase, Bonds, Buy Funds, Real Estate investment, Others. Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities (103,045,758/ 40,556); Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353) Profile %

Phoenix Chinese viewers are more financially aware Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities + Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers with intend to make an investment in next year ** (2,631,945/893) Profile % **including: Stocks purchase, Bonds, Buy Funds, Real Estate investment, Others. Intend to make investment within 1 year

Phoenix Chinese viewers love using credit card Profile % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ in 36 China cities (103,045,758/ 40,556); Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353)

Phoenix Chinese viewers lead a quality lifestyle they are more likely to buy high quality products and imported brands Agree / Strongly agree % Source: CNRS May - Oct 2011 Universe/ Sample: Individuals 15+ Past month Phoenix Chinese viewers (11,367,873/4,353)