BACKGROUND The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa requires the institutions of the state to ensure that they mainstream public participation in all government programmes To influence decisions on programmes that directly affect the public, and therefore ensure that programmes are relevant, open, informed by public needs, concerns and inputs.
BACKGROUND NWA (Act 36 of 1998) promotes equity, efficiency and sustainability in the supply and use of water resources The establishment of WMIs are means to achieve the objectives of the Act - To promote equal access and redressing the past racial and gender discrimination - The institutions should have appropriate community, racial and gender representation
The International Association of Public Participation defines participation as “a process to make better decisions that incorporate the interests and concerns of all affected stakeholders and meet the needs of the decision-making body”. BACKGROUND
OBJECTIVES To inform and involve the stakeholders about Water Resources Management To identify and address the stakeholders concerns about Water Resources Management within their area of jurisdiction To provide opportunities for the stakeholders to identify priorities and determine alternative water resources management system improvements, and water related land use actions, as well as the relative qualities of community water resource management behaviors PUBLIC PARTICIPATION
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS THE PROCESS IS DIVIDED INTO 3 PHASES 1.Planning - Stakeholder identification & Analysis 2.Participation - Establishment of Consultative Structure - Development of Proposal - Establishment of the Consultative Structure 3.Exit - Management Committee in place; WUA is established
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION & ANALYSIS Identification of key stakeholders; Identification of challenges and opportunities; and Determination of suitable representation and public participation methods
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONSULTATIVE STRUCTURE - Public Meetings to announce the process and nomination of representatives from different water use sectors in the sub-catchment and establishment of an interim management committee PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS
DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPOSAL Agreement on membership & boundaries Development of draft constitution Public meetings for stakeholder briefings, inputs and development of a proposal Public Notice - Gazette
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS ESTABLISHMENT OF A GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE Election of Management Committee Representation is critical: - Race - Gender
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS MONITORING & EVALUATION - This process is ongoing and aims at assessing the progress made and making adjustments when necessary - It promotes transparency and accountability to both the stakeholders & DWA Officials
CONCLUSION “Public Participation is a process that aims to rectify the inequalities of the past by offering stakeholders fair opportunity to be involved in decisions that affect their lives It improves the chances of success and sustainability of any initiative” Generic Public Participation Guidelines; DWA 2001
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