Empowering Communities in TB Control Presented by :TB Advocacy Advisor TB ACTION Group – Lucy Chesire
Background Advocacy to control TB internationally(ACTION) is an international advocacy project that focuses on mobilising resources for TB globally. The project has partners in 8 countries-UK,US, Canada, Australia, France, Japan, India and Kenya. In Kenya the project is hosted at Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium) KANCO. ACTION since inception has mobilised 1 Billion for TB control globally
Background of ACTION Project in Kenya Inception goes back to 2006 The TB advocacy project was established in Kenya in 2006 at a time when advocacy around TB and engagement of Civil Society in TB control efforts had been almost non existent TB GF R 2 had suspended funding There was low coverage of TB in the media Low CSO engagement in TB Control Low TB patient participation
TB Advocacy Objectives To mobilise resources for TB Control in Kenya To advance and advocate for the TB emergency declaration To monitor and ensure the flow of GFATM funds in the country To strengthen and maintain a coalition of Kenyan TB stakeholders and empower patients in TB Control To monitor and track resources available for TB and TBHIV
Approaches to TB Advocacy Political advocacy –Forums with MPs –Hosting of Foreign Parliamentary delegations Development of key advocacy messages e.g fact sheet Advocacy for increased funding –Engaging bilateral and multi lateral donors in funding TB- World bank, JICA, DFID,PEPFAR,CIDA –Capacity building linked to ACSM
TB ACSM Sensitization for Provincial teams by TB Advocacy project.
Approaches to TB Advocacy Media engagement –Training and briefing journalists –Press conferences –Generating Media articles Coalition building- UCCATM Cultivating and developing workable linkages with key stakeholders e.g. with the Ministry of Public health and sanitation, Parliamentary Health Committee DLTLD, NACC, PLWHAs networks, key advocates
MDR-TB Meeting organized with the corporate sector
Achievements Capacity building for over 200 CBOs on TB Capacity building for Journalists – 40 who have increased their reporting on TB Development of close working relationship with NGOs,GOK and other partners Allocation of funds by development partners to TB- USAID Increased TB coverage in the media – over 300 articles in 2009 Proposed additional funds – WB- 22 Million, JICA- 4 Million and GFATM Round 9 – 45 million USD
Achievements' Supported 3 Regional ACSM forums in 2009 Trained 80 TB patients to undertake Monthly Outreaches Kenya TB Advocate given the prestigious KOCHON Award Advocacy to World Bank officials that resulted in allocation of money for TB drugs through the World Bank project (TOWA)- Total War against AIDS Advocacy to JICA leading to a call for proposal from NTP for consideration in the fiscal year. Inclusion of the CSO proposal for consideration in GFATM round 9 Increase in the number of CSOs applying for TB funds
Bus branding
Lesson Learnt Political Advocacy is a critical component in achieving TB Control targets TB champions are a powerful force in profiling TB Advocating for increased domestic and external resources yields results- JICA, World Bank, GFATM, USAID Numbers are a weapon in TB advocacy Involvement of a well informed media is key to achieving TB advocacy goals
Challenges Low political interest in TB Lack of adequate funds for Community TB initiatives Emergency of MDRTB and XDRTB Advocacy capacity among CSOs Low resource allocation at DLTLD for ACSM
ACTION TB Staff with the NTP Manager
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