Asheville Fire Department Extra Territorial Jurisdiction Periodic Fire Inspection Program
Periodic Inspections Fire inspections reduce hazards and unsafe acts in the community, and provide a method to reduce community risks.Fire inspections reduce hazards and unsafe acts in the community, and provide a method to reduce community risks. When risks are reduced, the community avoids increases in insurance, loss of tax revenue (property and sales tax) when a business is destroyed, and loss of employment.When risks are reduced, the community avoids increases in insurance, loss of tax revenue (property and sales tax) when a business is destroyed, and loss of employment. Many businesses destroyed by fire never reopen.Many businesses destroyed by fire never reopen.
Fire Inspection Mandate City LimitsCity Limits –By Statute in 1991 –City Ordinance –City Program started in 1966 ETJ AreasETJ Areas –By Statute –Begun 2006
Department Core Fire Department Services City LimitsCity Limits –Fire Prevention Inspections Tax Supported and Fee Supported since FY02Tax Supported and Fee Supported since FY02 –Emergency Operations Tax SupportedTax Supported Extra Territorial Jurisdictions (ETJ)Extra Territorial Jurisdictions (ETJ) –Fire Prevention Inspections Fee Supported and Tax Supported by the City since FY06Fee Supported and Tax Supported by the City since FY06
The Fire Inspection Work Load Inspectable PremisesInspectable Premises –City Limits of Asheville = 7500 premises –ETJ Areas = 450 premises Current Fee Schedule in place since July 1 st 2007 planned to achieve a Cost Recovery Rate of 80%.
Services Cross Over How Do Fire Inspections Benefit Fire Department Emergency Operations?How Do Fire Inspections Benefit Fire Department Emergency Operations? –Reduces Fire Incidents in Buildings –Fire Protection System Operability –Hazardous Materials Control and Reporting –Site Development –Water Supply for Firefighting Operations
Services Cross Over How Do Fire Inspections Benefit Fire Department Emergency Operations?How Do Fire Inspections Benefit Fire Department Emergency Operations? Revenue Sources in Periodic InspectionsRevenue Sources in Periodic Inspections –Reduces Fire Incidents in Buildings –Fire Protection System Operability –Hazardous Materials Control and Reporting –Site Development –Water Supply for Firefighting Operations
The same fire inspection services that benefit City of Asheville Firefighters also benefit Firefighters and their Departments in the ETJ Areas
Revenue Proposal Fire Inspection Services that benefit the ETJ Fire Departments would be charged an additional fire inspection fee. These fees would be adjusted from our base COA fees to cover 100% of our service costs in the City’s ETJ areas.
Proposed ETJ Fee Surcharges All inspections are charged an 20% surcharge. All services that directly enhance fire service operations are charged an additional 10% surcharge, such as: Site Development Review –Fire lanes, fire hydrant placement, etc Hazardous Materials Management –Plans and TIER II reporting Fire Protection Confidence Testing –Fire sprinklers, kitchen hoods, fire alarms, etc
Revenue Example 1 Restaurant with a 300 person capacity –City of Asheville –Base Fee is $ Restaurant with a 300 person capacity –ETJ Areas –Base Fee would be $ –Fire Protection Test$ »Total $231.00
Revenue Example 2 25,000 sq. ft sprinklered factory –City of Asheville –Base Fee is $ ,000 sq. ft sprinklered factory –ETJ Areas –Base Fee would be $ –Fire Protection Test$ »Total $292.50
Revenue Example 3 10,000 sq. ft office building with a fire alarm –City of Asheville –Base Fee is $ ,000 sq. ft office building with a fire alarm –ETJ Areas –Base Fee would be $ –Fire Protection Test$ »Total $162.50
Fiscal Impact to Operating Costs Projected Periodic Fire Inspection revenueProjected Periodic Fire Inspection revenue –FY = $ 270,000 Adjusted Periodic Fire Inspection revenue + ETJAdjusted Periodic Fire Inspection revenue + ETJ –FY = $ 295,000 –Anticipated revenue increase of $25,000 annually
Implementation As this proposal is a fee adjustment based on business location, the current fee schedule could be amended by adding two additional footnotes.As this proposal is a fee adjustment based on business location, the current fee schedule could be amended by adding two additional footnotes. Meeting with affected ETJ Fire Departments on a new information sharing effort regarding sharing confidence testing reports on fire protection systems.Meeting with affected ETJ Fire Departments on a new information sharing effort regarding sharing confidence testing reports on fire protection systems.
Other Considerations Revenue is cyclic in that some years all three schedules converge so the revenue stream is inflated for that year.Revenue is cyclic in that some years all three schedules converge so the revenue stream is inflated for that year. This also means that some years the cycle would primarily affect the annual inspection cycle and the revenue would appear lower.This also means that some years the cycle would primarily affect the annual inspection cycle and the revenue would appear lower.
Customer Service Concerns Information Sharing with affected ETJ Fire Departments is key and must be timely.Information Sharing with affected ETJ Fire Departments is key and must be timely. Program comparison with the Buncombe County Fire Marshal’s Office – No Fees.Program comparison with the Buncombe County Fire Marshal’s Office – No Fees. Our customer service must be exceptional.Our customer service must be exceptional.