The National Development Plan (NDP) defines active citizenship as equalising opportunities and enhancing human capabilities. Public Participation is a process, not an event, and it requires giving feedback. Public participation is all about active engagement before, during and after the decision-making process,
Public participation is based on the belief that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision- making process. Public participation is the process by which an organization consults with interested or affected individuals, organizations, and government entities before making a decision.
Public participation is two-way communication and collaborative problem solving with the goal of achieving better and more acceptable decisions (International Association for Public Participation (2007).
The purpose of the dialogue is to reflect on the debate around patriotism to our country with regards to participation in voting as well as the impact of lack of service delivery and its impact on citizens interest in participating in voting, a privilege which we were previously denied of.
To discuss the role which civil society needs to play in entrenching constitutional democracy which results in many other roles which include but are not exclusive to the following: Watchdog – holding institutions to account, promoting transparency and accountability Advocate – raising awareness of societal issues and challenges in advocating for change – this will include policy analysis and reconstruction of the policy if necessary e.g. The DSD Financial Awards Policy
Service Provider – delivering services to meet social needs Capacity Builder – providing education and training and building capacity Incubator – developing solutions that for sustainable development Representative – giving power to the masses Citizen champion – encouraging citizen engagement and supporting rights of citizens Solidarity Supporter – promoting fundamental and universal values Definer of standards – creating norms that shape market and state activity.
It is important to understand citizen participation as a social psychological process of empowerment, that occurs at the interface of individual and society. Empowerment here is understood as a collective and inclusive process of developing insight into, and taking action to address, lived realities including societal issues.
In conclusion, public participation is a process of conscientisation and is essential to addressing the human condition. Thus, the ability and agency of individuals to participate collectively in reflecting on and changing their social realities must be recognised as integral to active citizenry (Eastern Cape Planning Commission Diagnostic overview of the Eastern Cape Province 2013).
Rooks Moodley ECNGOC Director Tel: Fax: /08/2013 STRENGTHENING NGO SECTOR SUPPORT 10