What is a fraction? Basic Math – Section 7.1
Schedule Words to Know “What is a fraction?” Activity Practice Fraction Project Math Groups
Words to Know By the end of this section you will be able to define the following math terms: Fraction Numerator Denominator Fraction Bar
What is a fraction? A fraction is a form of a number that shows part of a whole. Every fraction has a numerator and a denominator.
Numerators and Denominators? The numerator is the top number in a fraction. The numerator tells how many you have. The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. The denominator tells how many there are all together.
Vocabulary in Pictures Here is an example of your words to know: 3 4 numerator Fraction bar denominator
How do I write a fraction from a picture? When given a picture, you can write the fraction by counting how many pieces you are given (How many pieces are shaded?) and then counting how many pieces there are total.
How do I write a fraction from a picture? Once you have counted the number of pieces you have and the total number of pieces, follow these steps: Write the number of pieces you have above the fraction bar. Write the total number of pieces below the fraction bar.
Example Write a fraction for the following picture: How many pieces do you have? How many pieces are there all together? Write your fraction: Number of pieces Total number of pieces
How do I write a fraction for a situation? You need to be able to write fractions from pictures and from words. To write a fraction from words, you need to follow the steps below: Find the total number you have and write it on the bottom of the fraction. Find the part you are given and write it on the top of the fraction.
Example Write a fraction for the given situation: There are four students in the math club. Three of the students are girls. Write a fraction to tell what part of the math club is girls.
How do I draw a picture to show a fraction? Many times you will need to be able to draw a picture to show a fraction. This will help you to easily add and subtract fractions.
How do I draw a picture to show a fraction? To draw a picture to show a fraction, follow these steps: Draw a rectangle that has the number of spaces in the denominator. Color in the number in the numerator.
Example Draw a picture to show the fraction ¾. Draw a rectangle with the number of spaces in the denominator. Color in the number in the numerator.
Activity Each of you will be given a post-it note. On the board I will write a fraction; you will draw a picture on the post-it note to show the fraction.
Practice Section 7.1 What is a Fraction; Directions: You will practice writing fractions from pictures in this activity.
Fraction Project You will create a Fraction Book to show your understanding of fractions. There will be sections that you are required to have. We will work on the sections in class.
Fraction Book continued… After we go over a section, you will get that part of your book to work on. Grading: I will use a rubric to grade your fraction book.