9.01 Understand Procedures to Obtain a Job
What is a Job Lead? Job Lead: Research or information used to find potential job openings. – –Cooperative education, work experience and Internships. – –Newspaper and trade magazines ads. – –Employment agencies Public: Supported by federal and state funding. Free service for both employees and employers. (Employment Security Commission) Private or Temporary: Agencies in the business for profit and must charge a fee for service. (Manpower Employment Agency)
What is a Job Lead? – –Company personnel/human resources offices – –Internet (hotjobs.com) – –Letters of inquiry
What is Networking? Networking: Building relationships from the people you know to the people they know. – –Links from people to people. Not formal groups with formal rules
What is Networking? – –“Word of mouth” – very powerful form of communication. – –Establishing contacts Join clubs, lunch, church, conferences, trade associations. Contacts can be a source of endless possibilities if managed well.
Obstacles in Networking? Personal barriers (shy, selfish, trust) Lack of knowledge (lack of know-how, don’t understand benefits) Lack of foresight (can’t look ahead to the value) Lack of work ethic (satisfied to just do enough to keep a job)
Steps in Applying for a Job? Step 1: Application: A form provided by a company on which the applicant provides information to be used in the hiring decision. – –Write clearly, spell correctly – –Use blue or black ink – –Use full name, not a nickname – –Give specific job title – –Complete education information – –Give complete employer information –Complete every section (NA) –Ask permission from your references and provide complete information
Steps in Applying for a Job? Cover Letter: – –A letter that accompanies the resume and introduces the applicant t the company. – –Contains a few strengths that would qualify the applicant for the job. – –Requests an interview.
Resume: A personal data sheet providing a summary of information about the individual. – –Heading – –Job Objective – –Education and Training – –Work Experience – –Personal Accomplishments – –References Steps in Applying for a Job?
Electronic Resume: Applying online – –Format should be text only – –Avoid bold, italics, and underlining – –Use a common traditional font (12-14 points) – –Because resumes can be scanned for key words, use phrases and nouns related to the job/industry – –Submit resume as an attachment or part of the . Steps in Applying for a Job?
Step 2: Prepare for the interview. – –Dress Professionally – –Plan to arrive 10 Minutes early – –Be knowledgeable by studying the company – –Review questions that might be asked
Steps in Applying for a Job? – –Prepare effective questions to ask the interviewer – –Practice Have a friend/parent practice the interviewing process Practice shaking hands (beginning and end) Think of ways to sell yourself.
Steps in Applying for a Job? Step 3: Make a good first impression. – –Appearance: fresh, clean, and proud. – –Dress in the clothes that would be worn for the job. – –Clothes: neat, clean, ironed, and shoes clean and shined. – –Avoid trendy fashions. – –Avoid excessive jewelry, make-up, or cologne. – –Attitude: enthusiastic and motivated to work.
Steps in Applying for a Job? Step 4: Follow up the interview – –Write a thank you letter Appreciation Reaffirm interest in job Include information not mentioned in the interview. – –A phone call could be appropriate, but is not as effective.
Steps in Applying for a Job? Step 5: Resignation Letter: Written to inform your employer that you will be leaving your current job. – –Intention to resign-your acceptance of another job and the reason for leaving. – –Include last day of employment (2 weeks) – –Thank the employer – –When leaving a job always follow company policy.
Steps in Applying for a Job? Step 6: Reference Letter: Letter from your previous employer containing statements about your character, skills and attitudes. – –Before leaving your job, ask employer for a Reference Letter. (valuable for future) – –Keep original Reference Letter and distribute copies.
Steps in Applying for a Job? Step 7: After you are hired: – –Thank all interviewers. – –Maintain a list of accomplishments, keep work samples, save reviews/evaluations. – –Strive to learn new skills. – –Continue networking contacts. – –Volunteer for duties…team player.
Company Policy and Regulations Company Policies: An overall plan adhering to the goals and procedures of a company. Included are: – –Work schedules (hours, lunch, holidays, sick days, vacation, jury duty) – –Hiring procedures (references, Americans with Disabilities Act) – –Compensation (Paydays, Overtime, promotions, longevity) – –Benefits (Health, life, dental,SSN, retirement)
Company Policy and Regulations Regulations Rules dealing with details and procedures. (conduct, customer transactions, general workplace issues) For example, Management should: – –Know the frequently used schemes Forging receipts Pilfering merchandise Fictitious payroll
Company Policy and Regulations Keep a close eye for signs of internal theft. Find people that can be trusted. Make it hard to steal Work together with employees. Provide alternatives to stealing. Determine clear policies.