Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Objectives What is FMLA? Who qualifies for FMLA? What is an FMLA qualifying event? Procedure for Requesting Leave. Benefits while on FMLA.
What is FMLA? Protects an employee’s job for 12 or 26 weeks Provides 12 weeks of leave for employee absences caused by a personal serious medical condition or an immediate family member serious health condition Provides 26 weeks of leave for a serious injury or illness of covered service member Provides employees with the continuation of health benefits and the right to reinstatement after taking leave
What is a Serious Health Condition ? Serious health condition- includes any illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves: Inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility Any period of incapacity or treatment in connection with that inpatient care Continuing treatment by a health care provider Generally, a chronic or long term health condition which, if left untreated, would result in a period of incapacity of more than three days, would be considered a serious health condition
Who is an Immediate Family Member ? Spouse- husband or wife defined or recognized under the law of the state in which the employee resides; same sex partners in the state of TN are not currently covered by FMLA Parent- the biological parent of an employee or the person who acted as a parent to the employee when he or she was a child
Immediate Family Member Son or daughter- biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or child of a person acting as a parent who is: Under 18 years of age 18 years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability
Who is Eligible? Full-time and part-time employees who meet both of these requirements: Employed by the County for one year (12 months) During the previous year the employee must have worked 1,250 hours
Qualifying Events Covered by FMLA 12 Weeks Birth, Adoption, or Foster care of child Serious Health Condition Serious Health Condition Immediate Family Member Qualifying Exigency for Military Leave 26 Weeks Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Service Member
Examples of Acceptable FMLA Leave: Employee wants two months leave to care for newborn child Employee wants to take two weeks leave to bond with newly adopted child Employee needs to come in late twice a week to accompany their father to chemotherapy Employee requires ten weeks of recuperation after suffering a stroke
Procedure for Requesting Leave Provide verbal notice with explanation to direct supervisor The employee should give 30 days advanced notice or as much notice as possible When leave is planned and can be scheduled in advance, the employee must try to schedule the treatment to avoid excessively disrupting the department’s operations Complete an FMLA Application The application can be picked up from the HR office Submit completed application to the Human Resources Office for approval.
Procedure for Requesting Leave Obtain the appropriate medical certification to give to the caring physician to complete and submit to the Human Resources office. A complete medical certification will include the following: Verification a serious health condition exists Date when condition began Expected duration of condition Brief statement about treatment Whether or not the employee is able to perform the essential functions of the job
Benefits During Leave The County will continue to pay health benefits during leave in the same manner as before the leave was taken
Important Things to Note Time is calculated on a rolling 12-month period. May be continuous or intermittent Maternity/Paternity Leave runs concurrent with FMLA The first 12 weeks of leave for the birth, adoption, or foster care of a child is counted towards FMLA The last 4 weeks of leave is counted as Maternity/Paternity Leave If you have questions or need assistance with FMLA please contact Alanna Sullivan in the Human Resources Office at 466-5138.