PARCC Meetings and Workshops PARCC Protected Areas Resilient to Climate Change in West Africa2 RegionalNational (5 countries) Mar 2011Regional inception meeting (UNEP- WCMC), The Gambia, and PSC Nov 2011National inception meetings and actions plans for data collection (UNEP-WCMC) Apr 2012Climate change information (UK Met Office), Sierra Leone Apr 2013Linking climate information and species data (UK Met Office and IUCN GSP) in Anglophone countries Jul 2012Species vulnerability traits part I and II (IUCN GSP), Togo, and PSCNov 2013 Same workshop in Francophone countries, and Extra PSC in Togo Jul 2013Biodiversity and PAs vulnerability to CC (Durham University and BirdLife) and PSC Beg. 2014Biodiversity and PAs vulnerability to CC (Durham University and BirdLife) Jun/Jul 2014 GIS and systematic conservation planning (DICE University of Kent), and PSC End 2014National conservation planning (DICE University of Kent) Sep/Oct 2014 Social vulnerability to CC with regards to PAs, with MAVA project meeting Mid 2014National policy processes (agreements on pilot sites) Sep 2015Policy and outreach final meeting (BirdLife Africa) and PSC
Upcoming activities National workshops on linking climate and climatic variability to the health of particular species populations, in Francophone countries Regional consultant to consolidate national studies on the links between PAs, climate change and communities Integrated vulnerability assessments for the region detailing which PAs are most likely to be impacted by climate change, including a regional map of the PA network vulnerability, and a range of national maps PARCC Protected Areas Resilient to Climate Change in West Africa3
Updated report of the status of threatened species and vulnerability to climate change for West African species (IUCN GSP) An assessment of PA coverage and connectivity for regionally important areas (forest, savannah, and desert) and maps to show the extent of possible transboundary PA or corridor Review of possible options for managing PAs for climate change impacts, and PA financing mechanisms Getting the updated METT with additional module on climate change endorsed at a higher level PARCC Protected Areas Resilient to Climate Change in West Africa4 Upcoming activities (continued)
PARCC Protected Areas Resilient to Climate Change in West Africa5 T HANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !