Week 5 IT 15 Present and Past Tense
Week 5 IT 15 Past and present tense This teacher led activity aims to get the children to change the morpheme for present and past tense at the end of regular verbs. The difficulties of this task are: that the present tense doesn’t necessarily mean “now” but usually means something that we do often or regularly; that sometimes they take the ‘ed’ out of the past tense, and sometimes they just take the ‘d’ out, before writing the ‘s’ for the present tense. The required verb always appears in one form on each slide, ‘He skates well’. The child’s task is to write the verb in the other form. ‘Yesterday he……. badly’. The next slide is the answer sheet for each child to complete as they watch the IT presentation. These should be printed and distributed to the children before you start. A pencil appears on the initial slides. This is the cue for the children to write their answers. A prompt of ‘Why?’ appears. This is the cue for discussion about the correct and incorrect answers. They then receive feedback on the screen. There is also a ‘ Week 5 IT 15 Workbook’ for the children to complete. Once it has been checked for correctness it can be kept by the child as a reference book.
1. Yesterday he ……………………………… 2. She ……………………………… 3. Yesterday………………………………….. 4. Yesterday …………………………………. 5. He …………………………………. 6. She …………………………….. 7. ………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 9. ……………………………………………… 10. ……………………………………………… 11. ………………………………………………. 12. ………………………………………………. 13. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………. 17. ………………………………………………. 18. ………………………………………………. 19. ………………………………………………. 20. ……………………………………………… Answer sheet for IT 15 Page 1 Week 5 IT15 Past and present tense Complete the sentences Name……………………… Date ………………………
Are you ready for the show? (To be viewed as slide show) Past and Present tense
1. He skates well. Yesterday he ………………… badly. skated Why?
2. She ………… her dad happily. Last Saturday she helped her dad. helps Why?
3. He opens the door quickly. Yesterday he ……………. the door. opened Why?
4. He walks to school everyday. Yesterday he ………………. to school. walked Why?
5. He …………….. the windows carefully. Yesterday he cleaned my windows. cleans Why?
6. She …………….. every night. Last Saturday she danced all night. dances Why?
7. He plays football skilfully. Last Sunday he football. …….. played Why?
8. He irons the tie carefully. Last Friday he ………….. the tie. ironed Why?
9. She ………………. in the running race every year. Last year she competed in the running race. competes Why?
10. Jade always works hard. Last Tuesday Jade hard...…….. worked Why?
11. Daniel measures the bed accurately. Last month Daniel …………………. the bed. measured Why?
12. Alex ………………. her baby brother. Last week Alex kissed her baby brother. kisses Why?
13. Shireen brushes her hair every day. Yesterday Shireen …………………. her hair. brushed Why?
14. Richard combs his hair. Last week Richard ……………. his hair. combed Why?
15. Nina looks for her pen all the time. Last month Nina for her pen. ……… looked Why?
16. Zak ………….. the palm tree carefully. Last year Zak climbed the palm tree. climbs Why?
17. She ………… cards every day. Last week she played cards. plays Why?
18. Max …………… pictures beautifully. Last week Max painted pictures. paints Why?
19. Lisa cleans the house thoroughly. Yesterday Lisa …………… the house.cleaned Why?
20. Granny cooks spaghetti. Last week granny ………..... spaghetti. cooked Why?