Senior Meetings August 27-30, 2013
Graduation Requirements Review Transcripts and Credit Verification Forms Fix any scheduling issues Senior college sessions and parent night
Course# of Credits English4 Math (Algebra 1 and above; take at least one class each year) 4 Science (Biology, Chemistry, and one additional)3 Social Studies - World History or World Geography1 - US History1 - Government.5 - Economics.5 - Personal Finance.5
Course# of Credits World Languages (two years of same language)2 Lifetime Wellness1 Physical Education1 Fine or Performing Arts6 Elective1 TOTAL25.5 *Elective credits are any academic/arts/PE credit that is above and beyond the graduation requirements. *Need 18 credits to be promoted to senior status (incorrectly listed on graduation checklist). Also need 3 English and Math credits.
Example 1: Grade averaging to receive full credit for class Failing grade shows on your transcript and is factored into your GPA. However, a full 1.0 credit is received for the year of the class Course NameFinalPCrCr WORLD HISTORY F WORLD HISTORY S *
Example 2: Retaking class Failed class shows on transcript but does NOT factor into GPA; passing grade cancels out failing grade Course NameFinalPCrCr WORLD HISTORY F WORLD HISTORY S WORLD HISTORY F
-Anything class with a under PCr is factored into your GPA. -If you retook a class in the classroom or through A+, potential credits (PCr) should NOT appear for class with the lowest grade.
Review transcript and Credit Verification Sheet. Classes you are currently scheduled for at NSA have the ~ next to them. Virtual School/DE classes do NOT show on the CVS right now. Compare the classes you have PASSED and received credit for to the graduation requirements. Check each semester off on the Graduation Checklist. Use the back of the Graduation Checklist to note any errors/updates. Write down any class that you think is missing from your schedule this year.
Check the following: Spelling of your name Address Grade level GPA Is your unweighted GPA between 0-4.0? Is your weighted GPA between 0-5.0? Diploma type If you should have the Diploma with Honors, is it there? If you should have the Diploma with Distinction, is it there? If you qualify for both, you must pick one to show on your transcript.
Check the following: Total credits earned Graduation Program (Diploma type): If you should have the Diploma with Honors, is it there? If you should have the Diploma with Distinction, is it there? If you qualify for both, you must pick one to show on your transcript.
Did you take and pass any of the following courses that you do not see on your transcript? Summer Virtual School courses Nashville Academy courses A+ classes for which youve already taken and passed the test Home school credits Private school credits Middle school credits Dual Enrollment credits If so, write down anything that is missing on the back of the Graduation checklist and return to Ms. Gung
Do you have English I, English II, and English III on your transcript? Have you earned credit for both semesters of each class? Are you enrolled in English IV (or its equivalent) for this year? If you took it through A+… Is the A+ class (ENG1302FR or SR) on your transcript? If you retook the class, were the potential credits for the prior failed class removed (0 instead of 0.5)?
Do you have Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II on your transcript? If you had middle school credit, do you Pre-Calculus, Advanced Algebra w/Trig, or some other advanced math on your transcript? Have you earned credit for both semesters of each class? Are you enrolled in a math class both semesters this year? If you took it through A+… Is the A+ class (marked by FR or SR) on your transcript? If you retook the class, were the potential credits for the prior failed class removed (0 instead of 0.5)?
Have you earned credit for both semesters of … Biology? Chemistry? One other science? If you took it through A+… Is the A+ class (marked by FR or SR) on your transcript? If you retook the class, were the potential credits for the prior failed class removed (0 instead of 0.5)?
Have you earned credit for both semesters… World History or World Geo or AP Human Geo? US History? Have you earned credit for one semester of… Government? Economics? Personal Finance? If you took it through A+… Is the A+ class (marked by FR or SR) on your transcript? If you retook the class, were the potential credits for the prior failed class removed (0 instead of 0.5)?
Have you earned credit for two years (4 semesters) of the same language? If you took it through A+… Is the A+ class (marked by FR or SR) on your transcript? If you retook the class, were the potential credits for the prior failed class removed (0 instead of 0.5)?
Any repeated classes? Only get credit for the same class once. Have you earned two semesters of Lifetime Wellness? Have you earned two semesters of PE credit through… PE I, PEII Weight Training 1 or II Lifetime Activities or Outdoor Education Dance (must be a 7 th arts credit) ROTC (or other PE substitute)
Any repeated classes? Only get credit for the same class once. Have you earned 6 Arts credits?
Have you earned 1 credit in something that is above and beyond the graduation requirements? It can be arts, academic, extra PE, etc.
Any grades over 100?