This highly interactive system makes career exploration and awareness fun for all elementary students.
About Kuder Galaxy Galaxy uses interactive games and activities to help students (PK-5 grade) explore the world of work, develop self-understanding of interests, and enhance their academic skills. Simplifies career awareness into four action-based categories of activities: Play, Watch, Do, and Explore. Meets National Career Development Association and American School Counselor Association early career awareness goals. Supports differentiation through simple, self-guided exploration and developmentally-appropriate activities. Allows teachers and parents to easily guide development through online, graphical dashboards.
Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Developmentally Appropriate Three divisions for primary and secondary grade levels targeting their age group. Characters/Themes Grow & Change
Develop positive view of self (self- worth). SELF-UNDERSTANDING Develop good skills for interacting with others to help them understand their social circle). Understand the relationship between interests, leisure activities and various subjects in school. Understand the concept of goal-setting and how it relates to future accomplishments. Develop skills around the concept of decision-making. Develop awareness of the relationship between personal responsibility, good work habits as linked to career opportunities. WORLD OF WORK Introduce the link between their interests & school studies. Introduce that social & interpersonal interactions can play a role in school success. Understand how preferences for tools & environments may help them begin thinking about what they might want to be when they grow up. Understand how goal- setting can help in making an eventual career choice. Introduce kids to the career decision- making process. Understand the variety of roles they can play in their life & how they may fulfill interests through the roles. Activities Achieve Grade-Level Goals
Pre-K & Kindergarten Gazers During this grade level make- believe and first friendships begin to develop as social skills improve. Gazer guides the student through space to learn about self and interests in school.
First Grade Observers In first grade, students begin to have best friends, form ideas, and follow rules. Obe guides first graders through galaxy as they observe their unlimited possibilities and learn good skills in interacting with others.
Second Grade Builders Second graders begin reading for a variety of purposes. They have a renewed interest for drawing and writing to convey ideas. Rocket helps students relate their interests to school subjects and how these may relate to future decisions.
Third Grade Voyagers In third grade, students enjoy receiving feedback about their writing, considering others points of view, and working in groups. Students also often develop appreciation for their heritage at this stage of development. As they embark in this voyage, students learn to understand the concept of goal- setting.
Fourth Grade Pioneers Fourth graders enjoy selecting from a variety of reading material, playing with words to create different meaning, and taking ownership for their ideas. As they land on a new planet their goal is to become pioneers as they apply their decision- making skills in building their new city.
Fifth Grade Communicators In fifth grade, students gain awareness of peer and adult expectations. They tend to be obedient and possess a surprising scope of interests. TV and characters are important as well as is their increased independence. As they enter this last division, students learn to communicate fluidly and in a more articulate way.
Division One Pre-K-2 nd Grade
Division Two 3 rd -4 th Grade
Galaxy Log
Division Three 5 th Grade
Dashboards Parent & Teacher
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