August 5, 2010
Home Language Survey Upon enrollment Using the 3 questions : o What is the first language this child learned to speak? o What language does this child speak most often of school? o What language do people usually speak in the childs home?
Tennessee English Language Placement Assessment Only TN approved screener Assess and place within 30 days of enrollment if enrolled before school begins Assess and place within 14 days of enrollment if after school begins Children need to begin ELL services within that first week if at all possible Private school service needs to begin with a reasonable period of time for equity (1 week allowance)
Access to full curriculum Students need to be included in academic study Students need to be included in music, art, and physical education Modifications are to be made in all classes for active ELLs and for the students whose parents have waived services ELLs should be included in Special Education and enrichment as appropriate
Program Designs Pull out Cluster centers Resource centers/ESL laboratories Newcomer centers Push in/ inclusion Sheltered content Content based ESL Structured immersion Scheduled ESL classes
Quality Instruction is Engaging Dynamic Intense Focused Based in research Flexible Relevant
Hiring an ESL teacher Districts must have in place a policy to screen all applications for fluency in all 4 domains: reading, writing, speaking and listening The aural skills can be addressed through the interview process. Reading might be addressed through the course work completed, the application completed or another plan Writing should be evaluated through a sample of writing produced on site
English Language Proficiency ALL Students must be assessed annually (98%) Any ELL student not administered the ELDA will require an explanation to the State Tennessee uses the English Language Development Assessment (ELDA) The ELDA is given to all active ELLs Students absent during testing should be given an opportunity to make up exam Used to figure AMAOs Not to be given to Transition students Must be administered by a qualified teacher
Achievement tests The English Linguistically Simplified Assessment will be available for ELLs in lieu of the regular TCAP Accommodations may be given with the ELSA or the TCAP All ELLs must take science, writing (at 5 th, 8 th, and 11 th grade), math, and language arts for federal standards All ELLs must take social studies for TN standards ELLs in their first year in a US school are exempt from the English language arts/writing assessment. This is a one time exemption. ELLs do not have a certain number of days to have been here to be required to take the TCAP/ELSA.
Teaching ESL through Content Exposes students to academic vocabulary Ties the ESL class work to content standards Makes ESL more relevant to students and content teachers
Federal Requirements Review Home Language Survey at enrollment Assessment with TELPA within 30 days before school begins, within 14 days after school begins. Service to all ELLs to make the entire curriculum accessible. Annual assessment with an approved English Language Proficiency Assessment Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives All civil rights observed
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives Figured annually AMAO 1 is for growth AMAO 2 is for proficiency AMAO 3 is AYP for the subgroup (may include T1 and T2) Are the accountability piece for Title III Non Title III districts are held accountable in TN
New Goals for AMAOs YearAMAO 1AMAO – % 16% 2010 – % 17% 2011 – % 18% % 19% 2013 – % 20%
Changes to AMAO 2 Prior to this year, we have used only students who have been in ESL programs for more than 3 years. Federal monitors say we must include all ELLs regardless of length of time in program Tennessee may need to reset targets for this AMAO
Changes to AMAO Interpretation Failure to meet any goal two years consecutively means that you are to fill in an improvement plan which specifically addresses the factors that prevented your district from achieving the objectives. The State agrees to provide technical assistance to help meet the needs of the district to develop professional development strategies and activities, require the district to use such strategies and activities, and develop a plan to incorporate strategies and methodologies to improve the specific program or method of instruction provided to ELLs. [3122 (b)(2)]
Changes to AMAO Interpretation Failure to meet any AMAO goal consecutively for 4 years requires the State to Require the district to modify the curriculum, program, and method of instruction, or Make a determination whether the district shall continue to receive funds and Require the district to replace educational personnel relevant to the districts failure. [3122 (b) (4)]
State Requirements To meet or exceed all federal requirements To provide service to beginning and lower intermediate students daily To monitor actively all Transition students To serve intermediate students as it best fits the students need To have certified and endorsed HQ teachers To send information to families regularly in a language they can understand
Civil Rights Educate each and every child without regard to immigration status Cannot fail or refuse entrance because of English ability (1970 Memorandum – States that all National Origin Minority Students must have equal access to an education and not be placed in special education due to language) Equal access to enrichment and special education services Have a right to an age/grade appropriate education Must be screened for ESL services Must be educated equitably as compared to other students Full access to the entire curriculum
ESL Policy Changes student teacher to 45:1 Sets up questions for Home Language Survey to be standardized across the State Gives more flexibility to Intermediate ELLs (defined in State as composite 3 on the ELDA) Allows more models of service for ELLs Daily service
No Time to Lose Migrants most at-risk of the at-risk All ELLs and Hispanics at-risk Less than 50% chance of graduating if never retained Behind in academics Need academic vocabulary Need to experience success Need to be involved in a motivating classroom
Contact Information Jan Lanier ESL Coordinator Assessment: