Total Management Solutions D igi F ile D igi F ile : Worlds Leading Document Management Software Authorized Canadian Distributor Custom Document Management Systems Complete Scanning Services Premier Fujitsu Imaging VAR
Total Management Solutions Inc. Information Technology – Document Imaging – Management Consulting Joseph F. Darling, C.G.A. Hans Zwakenberg, B.Comp.Sc. Mission: To provide the resources, direction, and support necessary to help organizations and businesses develop and use their full potential. We aim to increase the productivity and profitability of your entire business.
Document ImagingDatabase Design NetworkingOffice Automation Imaging Software and Systems Disaster Recover Planning Document Handling Scanning and Imaging Data Analysis Custom Programming Web Integration Custom Reporting Microsoft Server Technology Backup and Disaster Planning Wide-Area Network Planning Internet Connectivity Imaging Software and Systems Disaster Recover Planning Document Handling Scanning and Imaging Information Technology Division Hans Zwakenberg, B.Comp.Sc.
Business ConsultingControllership Business SolutionsSystems Analysis & Design Business Acquisitions Business Start-ups Financial Planning and Forecasts Business Proposals Computerized Bookkeeping Payroll Processing Budgets and Cash Flows Cash Management Needs Analysis and Training Time Management Forms and Business Documents Database Management Accounting Systems Payroll Systems Management Systems Specialized Business Systems Management Consulting Division Joseph F. Darling, C.G.A.
The Worlds Leading Document Management Software DigiFile & the DigiFile Logo are the registered trademarks of Akhilesh Agarwal Copyright Akhilesh Agarwal D igi F ile
Do You Know What Your Paper Filing System is Really Costing You? Time Physical Space Money Productivity Security Peace of Mind
D igi F ile Sick of managing your Office Documents? Always running out of time? Tired of the Traditional Paper Filing System?
D igi F ile Introducing DigiFile The most powerful software for Managing your office No more Worries: DigiFile is a pure 32-bit document managing software. It can help you store your documents on your computer in a simple, but organized manner.. Unlimited number of documents: DigiFile can store up to 20,000 documents on a single CD. There is no limit to the number of documents you can store. DigiFile handles millions of documents with ease. No more misplaced documents: DigiFile's extremely powerful search engine can find any kind of document with a single click. Search among millions of documents and DigiFile fetches the documents in seconds.
D igi F ile Easily Import Documents From Virtually Any Source DigiFile takes them all. Take a Print-out, or Fax The possibilities are endless. Internet Scan Printer Fax
D igi F ile IMPORT FILES IN VIRTUALLY ANY FORMAT. Over 200 native file formats including TIFF, BMP, JPEG, CCIT_G3 & G4, PCL and PDF. Unlimited number of foreign file formats. DigiFile seamlessly integrates with the Windows environment. So you can simply drag & drop a file into DigiFile.
D igi F ile Powerful Indexing & Retrieval Powerful Indexing & Retrieval High Speed Auto Indexing of Documents using OCR, Bar Codes and Zones. Ability to populate fields from database. Retrieve documents by searching any field. High Speed search engine locates matched documents in seconds.
D igi F ile ANNOTATION SUPPORT Easily annotate documents to simplify workflow and management. Full Color or Black & White Annotations TEXT & GRAPHICS: Types include lines, rectangles, circles, high-lighting, free hand, text notes, stamps, logo and signature. VOICE & SOUND: Add voice or audio annotations and messages to documents. The most revolutionary kind of functionality.
D igi F ile COLD SUPPORT Computer Output to Laser Disk, better known as COLD, is an advanced electronic report management system for the storage and retrieval of computer-generated data. Mainframe and mid-range computer-generated reports are automatically processed, indexed, compressed, stored, and made available on your network. Multiple users can easily gain access to the same report-based information simultaneously.Computer Output to Laser Disk, better known as COLD, is an advanced electronic report management system for the storage and retrieval of computer-generated data. Mainframe and mid-range computer-generated reports are automatically processed, indexed, compressed, stored, and made available on your network. Multiple users can easily gain access to the same report-based information simultaneously. C.O.L.D. is a very useful and responsive answer for those who rely on information for productivity, such as customer service, accounting, call center, and production personnel.C.O.L.D. is a very useful and responsive answer for those who rely on information for productivity, such as customer service, accounting, call center, and production personnel.
D igi F ile Document Folder Creation & Viewing Document Folder Creation & Viewing Document folders containing pages, pictures, Computer Generated Reports (COLD), Word Processing documents, Spread Sheets, , FAX, Internet Pages. Search and View documents by index or View them in Groups in the Group Explorer.
D igi F ile DATABASE SUPPORT Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server Microsoft AccessMicrosoft Access OracleOracle CenturaCentura SybaseSybase Any other ODBC compliant DatabasesAny other ODBC compliant Databases All Logos are Copyrights of their respective companies. ODBC
D igi F ile WORK FLOW MANAGEMENT The first member of the Workflow receives the document in the Inbox for Approval. After the first person on the list approves the document, it automatically flows to the Inbox of the next person in the workflow and so on…. Author Approval Second Approval Final Approval DigiFile
D igi F ile MASSIVE STORAGE SUPPORT Backup or Transfer Data on the most Commonly used Devices Easy Integration of CDs for Archival and Distribution.Easy Integration of CDs for Archival and Distribution. Support for most Optical DrivesSupport for most Optical Drives Integrate DigiFile with almost all CD Jukeboxes and Enterprise Storage Devices
D igi F ile WEB ACCESS Access your office anywhere on the planet With DigiFile Web Access Server you can access your database from virtually anywhere in the World. You just need a computer and Internet-Access. Search, View, Edit, and Import documents from your Web Browser. No software installation is required. DigiFile Web Access Server Access from Web Browser Access from Web Browser
D igi F ile Batch Processing Import or scan images and save them in a batch for later processing. Batches can be resolved manually or automatically using OCR and/or BAR Code Plugin. Scanner support TWAIN, Kofax and ISIS Scanners OCR Full Text OCR in text format like Microsoft Word. Full Text OCR in Excel format. Image Processing Rotation, zoom, zoom to region, pan, invert etc. COM Application Interface This allows DigiFile to integrate with your existing legacy applications that have COM and scripting support.
D igi F ile Multi Language Support English Dutch German French Convert Documents from other applications PaperGate, PaperMaster 98, etc. Other Standard Features Unlimited Database fields and forms Creation of pre-populated files and folders User controllable image compression Interface with AutoCAD Native 32-bit software
D igi F ile Operating Systems Supported Windows 95 Windows 98, 98SE Windows ME Windows XP Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 The Windows Logos are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Networks Supported Windows Novell System Requirements Intel Pentium 200 Mhz or Faster 64 MB RAM 50 Mb Free Space on Hard disk Supported Microsoft Windows Operating Systems Windows compatible display
D igi F ile Achieve the Goals that you could only dream off:Achieve the Goals that you could only dream off: Increased Profitability:Increased Profitability: Because you save a lot when you use DigiFile. DigiFile frees you from the hassles of Paper Management, which gives you time to think and target new horizons. You Get Loads of Benefits…