Team Meeting 2 Ideas Stealing Shamelessly
Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple, learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen. John Steinbeck
Your Focus During This Session What did you hear about today that you want to share with other members of your team? What ideas for change were generated by your assessment of progress at Team Meeting 1 and attendance at multiple breakout sessions? Next Steps: Create a list of great ideas you would like to test, implement, and spread within your own organization. Think about start and end dates for each of the ideas! This is just the start of your plans….There are 2 MORE DAYS of ideas to stimulate your minds to develop robust ACTION PLANS
Worksheets Use is not required Helpful for planning Encourages thought about inclusion of high leverage, priority items Promotes development of a timeline for completion of testing and implementation
An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied. Arnold H. Glasgow
You have until 5:15 pm Debrief about the sessions attended Identify ideas and approaches that are of interest to your organization and list on worksheet on Page 2, if desired Identify and prioritize high leverage changes Identify changes to include in action plans Start to brainstorm about a timeline