International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Willard R. Daggett Preparing for the Challenges and Opportunities of the Next Three Years June 16, 2011
The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS)Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
The Challenges Common Core State Standards (CCSS)Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Next Generation Assessments (NGA)Next Generation Assessments (NGA)
The Challenges -Common Core State Standards (CCSS)-Common Core State Standards (CCSS) -Next Generation Assessments (NGA)-Next Generation Assessments (NGA) -Teacher Effectiveness based on Student Performance-Teacher Effectiveness based on Student Performance
The Challenges -Common Core State Standards (CCSS)-Common Core State Standards (CCSS) -Next Generation Assessments (NGA)-Next Generation Assessments (NGA) -Teacher Effectiveness based on Student Performance-Teacher Effectiveness based on Student Performance -Prepare Students for the world beyond School-Prepare Students for the world beyond School
FOCUS What is Effective
Researched Based Data Rich – Analysis Poor
Researched Based Data Rich – Analysis Poor Meta Analysis
Researched Based Data Rich – Analysis Poor Meta Analysis Visible Learning –John Hattie -800 Meta Analysis -52,637
Five Categories Students Teachers Schools/Districts Curricula Home
SCALE -138 Factors
SCALE -138 Factors -Effect
SCALE -138 Factors -Effect -Standard Deviations
SCALE -138 Factors -Effect -Standard Deviations -1 SD = 2 years growth
-0.69 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Number of Effects Across 800+ Meta-analyses Effect Size Source: Visible Learning
FOCUS What is Effective What you can Impact
FOCUS What is Effective What you can Impact -Nations Most Successful Practices
FOCUS What is Effective What you can Impact -Nations Most Successful Practices -International Best Practices
Student Teacher Relationships 02 years 1.44 years.72
Application of Knowledge 02 years 1.30 years.65
Professional Development 02 years 1.24 years.62
FOCUS What is Effective What you can NOT Impact
Socioeconomic Status 02 years 1.14 years.57
FOCUS What is Effective What you can Impact What is most Efficient
Effective and Efficient Framework High Cost Low Cost
Effective and Efficient Framework High Cost Low Cost High Student Performance Low Student Performance EfEffecfecttivenessivenessEfEffecfecttivenessivenesst
Effective and Efficient Framework High Cost Low Cost High Student Performance Low Student Performance CDCDABABCDCDABAB EfEffecfecttivenessivenessEfEffecfecttivenessivenesst
GREATEST IMPACT What is Effective What you can Impact What is most Efficient
Students own Expectations 0 0ver 2 years +1.44
Application of Knowledge 02 years 1.30 years.65
Application of Knowledge.80
Application of Knowledge
Student Teacher Relationship
Professional Development
Plan Instruction based on how Students Learn
Teacher Expectations and Clarity
Assessment to inform and differentiate instruction
Meta-Cognitive Strategies
Literacy Strategies
Peer Tutoring
What is less Effective and Efficient
Class Size
Summer School
Student Teacher PD Prior Achieve Form. Eval. Teacher Clarity Meta Strats. Literacy Strats. Peer Tutor Class Size Ability Group Teach Test Summer School
19 th Annual Model Schools Conference June 26 – 29,
GREATEST IMPACT Culture of High Expectations Relevance of Instruction Strong Relationships
Key to Effective Instruction is Alignment Organizational Leadership Instructional Leadership Teacher
Aligned to make Teacher Successful Doctors/Nurses in Hospitals
Aligned to make Teacher Successful Doctors/Nurses in Hospitals Lawyers in a Law Firm
Aligned for Success Doctors/Nurses in Hospitals Lawyers in a Law Firm Troops in Battle
Aligned for Success Doctors/Nurses in Hospitals Lawyers in a Law Firm Troops in Battle Teachers in a School System
Top Down Support for Bottom Up Success
THE KEY Effective Instruction THE KEY Effective Instruction
Teaching Organizational Leadership Instructional Leadership Learner Achievement
Embrace rigorous and relevant expectations for all students (+.75) Build strong relationship with students (+.72) Possess depth of content knowledge and make it relevant to students (+.80) Teaching Use assessments to guide and differentiate instruction (+.90) Facilitate rigorous and relevant instruction based on how students learn (+.1.28) UUse of Technology and best practices (+.80)
Organizational Leadership Create a Culture of high Expectations
Schools are Improving School Improvement
Schools are Improving School Improvement Changing World
Skills Gap
Schools are Improving School Improvement Changing World
School Improvement Changing World Schools are Improving
School Improvement Changing World Schools are Improving
Culture Drives Strategy
Image source:
Computing Capacity Moores Law – Doubles Every 2 Years
Computing Capacity Moores Law – Doubles Every 2 Years
Semantic Web Analyze Documents Analyze Documents Key words and headers (Google) Key words and headers (Google) Meaning / Concepts Meaning / Concepts Wolfram Alpha Wolfram Alpha Complete Task Complete Task
Implications Home Work Home Work Term Paper Term Paper
-Wolfram Alpha- -will search all language and give you response in your language -will search all language and give you response in your language -will respond in writing or verbally (in your language) -will respond in writing or verbally (in your language)
Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
Open Source Open Source
Skills Gap
Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures Text Lexile Measure (L) High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%)
Setting the Bar Reading = 1,300 for Graduation Need to Straighten the Bar K-1 N/A L L L L L
Reading Requirements Findings Entry-level Entry-level Highest in 6/16 Highest in 6/16 Second Highest in 7/16 Second Highest in 7/16 Consistent Across Country Consistent Across Country
Proficiency Grade 4 Reading Proficiency Grade 4 Reading Proficient Required NAEP Score Tennessee 88 % North Carolina 82 % Texas 81 % Iowa 77 % Florida 71 % Massachusetts 48 % California 48 %
Proficiency Grade 4 Reading Proficiency Grade 4 Reading Proficient Required NAEP Score Tennessee 88 %170 North Carolina 82 %183 Texas 81 %190 Iowa 77 %197 Florida 71 %202 Massachusetts 48 %234 California 48 %210
Proficiency Grade 8 Reading Proficiency Grade 8 Reading Proficient Required NAEP Score North Carolina 88 % Tennessee 87 % Iowa 72 % Florida 44 % California 39 % South Carolina 30 %
Proficiency Grade 8 Reading Proficiency Grade 8 Reading Proficient Required NAEP Score North Carolina 88 %217 Tennessee 87 %222 Iowa 72 %250 Florida 44 %265 California 39 %262 South Carolina 30 %276
Global Competition
Equity Excellence
Population FemaleMale
Create a Culture What is the message What is the message Who it to deliver to and in what order Who it to deliver to and in what order How to deliver How to deliver
THE KEY Effective Instruction THE KEY Effective Instruction
19 th Annual Model Schools Conference June 26 – 29,
Successful Practices Network Provide Focused / Sustained Professional Development System Robust Online Teacher Support Resources Support Transition to CCSS Improving Instruction / Student Engagement Low Cost - Highly Effective Resources
1587 Route 146 Rexford, NY Phone (518) Fax (518) International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.