Chapter 18 Building the user interface
This chapter discusses n Javas graphical user interface. n Swing: an enhancement of a library called the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). n Event-driven, window-based applications. n Swing as a case study of how large libraries are organized.
The system interface n The interface and the model are two of the principal components of a software system. n The interface handles interaction with the external world. n When the external world is a person, the interface is called a user interface.
Algorithm-driven interfaces n In an algorithm-driven approach, the application determines exactly what information it needs from the environment, and when it needs it. n The application has access to several streams of data. n A stream is a sequence of bytes.
Algorithm-driven interfaces (cont.) n A character stream is a set of ASCII characters. n Otherwise it is a binary stream. n Input stream sources can be a users keyboard, a file, another program, an external device, etc. n Output stream targets can be a users display screen, a file, another program, an external device, etc.
Java compiler stream n 1 input stream n 2 output streams
Nim game user interface Enter number of Sticks. 3 Player Player1 takes 2 leaving 1 sticks. Player Player2 takes 1 leaving 0 sticks. Game over. Player 1 won. To Play again, enter 1; to stop enter 0 1 Enter number of sticks. n This game writes output and reads input.
Filters n Where input data comes from and where output data goes often is not important to the application. n Filters read input from a single stream called standard input, write output to an output stream called standard output, and write error messages to a stream called standard error.
Event-driven interfaces n The application is active in an algorithm-driven interface; it is passive in an event-driven system. n An event-driven system waits for something to happen (an event) in the environment. n event-driven: an input-output model in which the application waits for an event to occur, responds to the event, and waits for the next event.
Event-driven interfaces (cont.) n An application with a window-based interface provides a graphical control panel containing a range of options.
Event-driven interfaces (cont.) n In a window-based system, we assume that there is a native windowing system that actually detects events like mouse clicks, mouse movement, key strokes, etc., and manages the display. n Java applications interact with the native windowing system.
Swing n A graphical user interface is made up of components (widgets). u windows u buttons u menus, etc. n Each components has attributes of location, size, shape, color, etc. Components are defined in a class library contained in the package javax.swing
JComponent abstract class
JComponent abstract class (cont.)
n JComponent is a subclass of the AWT. public Color getForeground (); public Color getBackground (); public Point getLocation (); public Dimension getSize (); public void Color setForeground(Color fg); public void Color setBackground(Color bg); public void Point setLocation(Point p); public void Dimension setSize(Dimension d;)
JComponent abstract class (cont.) Many of the methods are overloaded. For instance, there are versions of setLocation and setSize that take two int arguments rather than a Point or Dimension.
JComponent abstract class (cont.) n Color, Point, and Dimension are AWT classes. n Instances of Color are immutable. The class Color defines a number of constant references. i.e. Class Dimension encapsulates width and height.
Containers n Objects that contain components are containers. n JComponent is a subclass of Container. n component: a distinct element of a graphical user interface, such as a button, text field, etc. n container: a graphical user interface component that can contain other components.
Containers (cont.)
JPanel n Used as a place to put a collection of other components. Jpanel p = new Jpanel(); p.add(new Jbutton(on)); p.add(new Jbutton(off));
Manipulating content n Class Container defines an extensive set of methods for manipulating its content. public int getComponentCount() The number of Components in this Container. public Component getComponent (int n) The Component with the specified index. require: 0 <= n < this.getComponentCount() public void remove (Component comp) Remove the specified Component. public void remove (int index); Remove the Component with the specified index. require: 0 <= index < this.getComponentCount()
Top-level containers n A top-level container is one that is not contained in any other container. i.e. JApplet, JDialog, JFrame, and JWindow.
JFrame n A window with a title and a border. n JFrame is a subclass of java.awt.Container, not JComponent. n It delegates the responsibility of managing its components to another object--JRootPane.
JRootPane n JRootPane is a JComponent whose principal responsibility is to manage the content of some other container. n It is a composite object, including a content pane. n The content pane is usually a JPanel, and is the working area of the JFrame, excluding title, border, menu. n Components are not added directly to the JFrame, but to the content pane.
JRootPane (cont.) getContentPane returns a Container. JFrame f = new JFrame(A Frame); JButton b = new JButton(Press); Container cp = f.getContentPane(); cp.add(b); n JApplet, JDialog, JWindow and JInternalFrame also use JRootPane to manage components.
Peers n JApplet, JDialog, JFrame, JWindow are heavyweight components. n Instances of subclasses of JComponent are lightweight components. n When a heavyweight component is created, the AWT also creates an associated native GUI component called a peer. i.e. Creation of JFrame, also creates a frame peer.
Peers (cont.) n Peers actually do the work of capturing user input and managing the screen area in which the component is displayed. n Lightweights are implemented completely by Java. n Lightweights are drawn on the space provided by their heavyweight parent containers.
Top-level frame import javax.swing.*; public class DisplayFrame { public static void main (String[] args){ JFrame f = new JFrame (A Frame); f.setSize(300,200); f.setVisible(true); }
Adding components n Adding components to the frame wont cause the component to appear suddenly on the display. n A LayoutManager is an object responsible for positioning and sizing the components in a container. A LayoutManager is specified in the interface java.awt.LayoutManager. public LayoutManager getLayout(); public void setLayout (LayoutManager manager);
LayoutManager implementations n FlowLayout: left to right, top to bottom. n BorderLayout: north, south, east, west, center. n GridLayout: two-dimensional grid. n CardLayout: one at a time from a deck n GridBagLayout: vertically and horizontally according to constraints. n BoxLayout: either a single horizontal row or single vertical column. n OverlayLayout: specified components align in the same place; components are laid out on top of each other.
n When the GridLayout is created, we specify that we want a grid of 3 rows and 2 columns. Since there is more than 6 components, GridLayout expands the number of columns, while keeping the number of rows at 3.
Container validity n A Container is valid if it does not need to be laid out. i.e. size is known to the system, and the layout manager knows about all its components. n A Container is invalid if its state is inconsistent with its appearance. n A Container to which a component has been added after it was last laid out is invalid.
Container validity (cont.) n Any number of things can cause the layout manager to lay out the Container. validate explicitly sets the Containers valid property to true, and instructs the layout manager to lay out the Container. isValid returns the value of this property. public boolean isValid(); public void validate();
Capturing and handling events n event: the occurrence of an action, typically external to the system, that the system is aware of and must respond to. n low-level events: pressing or releasing a key, moving the mouse, pressing a mouse button. n high-level events: selecting an item on the menu, pressing a button, entering text in a field. u High-level events usually involve one or more low-level events.
Some high-level events n key event: a keyboard key pressed or released. n mouse event: the mouse is moved or dragged, a button pressed or released, the mouse cursor enters or exits component. n component event: a component is hidden, shown, resized, or moved. n container event: a component is added to or removed from a container. n window event: a window is opened, closed, iconified, de-iconified, activated, deactivated.
Some high-level events (cont.) n focus event: a component gains or loses focus. n action event: a high-level event occurs. n adjustment event: a high-level event occurs representing scrollbar motions. n item event: a high-level event occurs when user selects a checkbox, choice, or list item. n document event: a TextComponents content changes.
Java event classes
Java event classes (cont.) n The source of an event is determined with: public Object getSource(); n An object that monitors when an event occurs is called a listener. n To be notified of an event, a listener must register with the events source. n The relation between a listener and an event source is the observes relation.
Example import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class OnOffTest { public static void main (String[] args){ OnOffSwitch sw = new OnOffSwitch(); } class OnOffSwitch extends JFrame { public OnOffSwitch() { super(On/Off Switch); JButton button= new JButton(On/Off); Container cp = this.getContentPane(); button.setForground(; button.setBackground(Color.white); cp.add(button,BorderLayout.Center); this.setSize(300,200); this.setVisible(true); }
EventListener classes
Adding a listener n There is only one method specified in the interface ActionListener. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e); class Switcher implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {…} } n When the user presses the button, an ActionEvent is generated.
Example class OnOffSwitch extends JFrame { public OnOffSwitch() { super(On/Off Switch); JButton button= new JButton(On/Off); Switcher control = new Switcher(); button.addActionListener(control); Container cp = this.getContentPane(); button.setForground(; button.setBackground(Color.white); cp.add(button,BorderLayout.Center); this.setSize(300,200); this.setVisible(true); }
Example (cont.) public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ Component source = (Component)e.getSource(); Color oldForeground = source.getForegound(); source.setForeground (source.getBackground()); source.setBackground(oldForeground); }
Example (cont.)
n Since the listener explicitly determines the source of the event, it could handle events from several sources without modification. class OnOffSwitch extends JFrame { public OnOffSwitch() { super(On/Off Switch); JButton button1= new JButton(On/Off); JButton button2= new JButton(On/Off); Switcher control = new Switcher(); button1.addActionListener(control); button2.addActionListener(control); … }
Adding a window listener n We would like to terminate the application when the user selects the Close option from the top-level window menu. n Selecting Close generates a WindowEvent in the JFrame, specifically a window closing event. n The WindowListener interface is a bit more complicated than the ActionListener interface; it specifies seven methods.
Adding a window listener (cont.) void windowActiviated (WindowEvent e) Invoked when window becomes the active window. void windowClosed (WindowEvent e) Invoked when window has been closed. void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) Invoked when user attempts to close window. void windowDeactiviated (WindowEvent e) Invoked when window becomes no-longer-active window. void windowDeiconified (WindowEvent e) Invoked when window changes from minimized to normal. void windowIconified (WindowEvent e) Invoked when window changes from normal to minimized. void windowOpened (WindowEvent e) Invoked when window is first made visible.
Adding a window listener (cont.) To simplify the implementation, Java provides event adapter classes. class Terminator extends WindowAdapter { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { Window w = e.getWindow(); w.dispose(); } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); }
Adding a window listener (cont.) We must create a Terminator instance and register it with the top-level JFrame. public OnOffSwitch() { super(On/Off Switch); JButton button= new JButton(On/Off); Switcher control = new Switcher(); Terminator arnold = new Terminator(); button.addActionListener(control); this.addWindowListener(arnold); … }
Adding a window listener (cont.) n Terminator is an ideal candidate for being made an anonymous inner class. this.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { e.getWindow().dispose(); } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } );
Some class features
Component n Background color: public Color getBackground() public void setBackground(Color c) n Foreground color: public Color getForeground() public void setForeground(Color c) n Location: public Point getLocation() public void setLocation(int x, int y) public void setLocation(Point p) n Location on screen: public Point getLocationOnScreen() n Size: public Dimension getSize() public void setSize(int height,int width) public void setSize(Dimension d)
Component (cont.) n Preferred size: public Dimension getPreferredSize() n Minimum size: public Dimension getMinimumSize() n Parent: public Container getParent() n Enable: public boolean isEnabled() public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) n Valid: public boolean isValid() public void validate() public void invalidate()
Component (cont.) n Visible and Showing: public boolean isVisible() public boolean isShowing() public void setVisible(boolean visible) n Font: public Font getFont() public void setFont(Font f) n Graphics: public Graphics getGraphics() n Listeners: public void addComponentListener( ComponentListener listener) public void removeComponentListener( ComponentListener listener)
Component (cont.) n Listeners (cont.): public void addFocusListener( FocusListener listener) public void removeFocusListener( FocusListener listener) public void addKeyListener( KeyListener listener) public void removeKeyListener( KeyListener listener) public void addMouseListener( MouseListener listener) public void removeMouseListener( MouseListener listener) public void addMouseListener( MouseMotionListener listener) public void removeMouseListener( MouseMotionListener listener)
Containers n Component Manipulation: public int getComponentCount() public Component getComponent(int position) public Component getComponentAt(int x, int y) public Component getComponent(Point p) n Component Manipulation (cont.): public Component add(Component component) public Component add(Component component, int position) public Component add(Component component, Object constraints) public void remove(Component component) public void remove(int position)
Containers (cont.) n Layout Manager: public int getLayout() public void setLayout(LayoutManager manager) n Listeners: public void addContainerListener( ContainerListener listener) public void removeContainerListener( ContainerListener listener)
Window public void pack() public void toFront() public void toBack() public void dispose() n Listeners: public void addWindowListener( WindowListener listener) public void removeWindowListener( WindowListener listener)
Frame n Title: public String getTitle() public void setTitle(String title) n Resizable: public boolean isResizable() public void setResizable(boolean visible) n Border: public Border getBorder() public void setBorder(Border border) n Ancestors: public JRootPane getRootPane() public Container getTopLevelAncestor() n Transparency: public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) public boolean isOpaque()
JFrame n Components: public Container getContentPane () public JMenuBar getJMenuBar () public JRootPane get JRootPane () public void setContentPane(Container contentPane) public void setJMenuBar(JMenuBar menubar) n Default close operation: public int getDefaultCloseOperation () public void setDefaultCloseOperation (int operation) One of the following must be passed to setDefaultCloseOperation. WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE
Weve covered n Building a user interface. n Event-driven, graphical user interfaces. n Javas facilities for user interfaces. n Events. n Listeners.
Glossary (cont.)