TRANSITION TOWNS-...the story so far Naresh Giangrande The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by sceptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need people who can dream of things that never were John F Kennedy Transition Oxford
A community initiative with three essential components: A Vision A Vision Plans or Pathways that create the transition from where we are now to our Vision Plans or Pathways that create the transition from where we are now to our Vision A set of principles that guide and inform the pathways and plans. A set of principles that guide and inform the pathways and plans. Transition Training 2007
Un diagrama de conjunto agua Usar y tirar desigualdade s masivas pesca minerales petróleo y gas Inputs Outputs tierras vertederos de basura subsuelo productos químicos gases residuos radioactivos bosques comida Sistema de crecimiento industrial Transition Training 2007 entradas salidas
La solución: cerrar el circuito Transition Training 2007
Visioning our Future…. What would a post carbon, energy scarce world look like? What would a post carbon, energy scarce world look like?
We need to address our collective inability to vision the future we actually want…. Transition Training 2007
Industrial Ascent (Modernism) Energy & Resource Use Population Pollution Pollution Climax Techno-Fantasy Green-Tech Stability Earth stewardship Mad Max Great Grand Children Agriculture yrs BP IndustrialRevolution Baby Boom Pre-industrial sustainable culture Historical Time Future Time Creative Descent ( Creative Descent (Permaculture) Where are we going?
Begin with the end in mind
A positive vision creates its own call to action and self selects an initiating group
Hippy nonsense Vision cant Create the Future???
It will be a huge wrench to leave all this behind, but I have always wanted to live in the country. Our new house will be an eco- home. We are going from one extreme to another. Anna Ryder Richardson Hello! magazine 1 st January 2008
TT project leaders need to develop and constantly feed an unshakable belief (founded on actual examples and by living their transition) that we can create a new environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just world. TT project leaders need to develop and constantly feed an unshakable belief (founded on actual examples and by living their transition) that we can create a new environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just world. This is one of the keys This is one of the keys To creating a sustainable Transition Initiative Transition Training 2007