PCS 7/505 OS V7.0 for use with 505 Controllers SE&A AMD PAS
… 505 System Architecture APT/ TiSoft/ SoftShop Engineering Tool HMI PCS OSx / PCS / TiStar Stations … All are standard Siemens products. Therefore they follow the Standard Siemens Hardware and Software product lifecycle model. Ethernet SINEC H1 TF/TiWay Network 1 2 3 n Field Termination Field wiring Field devices Controller I/O
SIMATIC 505, OSx, and TiStar Product Status Phase-Out Stage Spares can be purchased Guaranteed support until 1-Feb-2015 TISTAR / PCS / OSx (all versions) Discontinued Stage Product can no longer be purchased Guaranteed support no longer available 01/2009
Path Forward PCS 7 OSx PCS 7 OS SIMATIC 505 PCS 7 AS Path to PCS 7 can be phased Enables full lifecycle utilization of the 505 solution components Not necessary to rip out entire OSx/500 system and replace with PCS 7 at once. Siemens migration solution enables you to take a step by step approach to migrating to PCS 7. Products to support transition to PCS 7 are available 505-CP1434TF - Allows reuse of 505 Controllers in a TISTAR system (TIWAY comm TF- H1 Ethernet comm) RBC-505-6870 – Allows reuse of 505 I/O Graphics conversion service 01/2009
TISTAR to PCS 7/505 OS Migration HMI Replacement Scenario Migration Characteristics Reuse 505 Controller Reuse 505 I/O Upgrade to PCS 7 OS TIWay Issue TF (H1) communication used by PCS 7/505 OS 505 Controller 505 I/O Solution Replace current TIWAY communication card with 505-CP1434TF card RBC – Remote Base Controller TF – H1 Communications Protocol 505 Controller 505 I/O TF
Replace 505 Controllers with PCS 7 Controllers Controller Migration TF Migration Characteristics Reuse 505 I/O 505 controller replaced with PCS 7 AS 400 controller Upgrade to PCS 7 OS Issue 505 I/O Comm protocol is not PROFIBUS DP RBC – Remote Base Controller IE – Industrial Ethernet PCS 7 AS Controller 505 I/O IE BRC DP Solution Replace RBC module with PROFIBUS DP RBC (505-6870) Replace 505 controller with PCS 7 AS-400 controller Configure controller with SIMATIC Manager Port/Create Graphics
Example Migration Strategy – HMI Change-out PCS 7 ES PCS 7 OS Clients Ethernet PCS 7 / 505 Servers APT Engineering TF RBC TI505 Change-out HMI SW Applications Retain 505 Controller Engineering Tool 505 Controllers 505 I/O Modules Field Wiring 01/2009
Example Migration Strategy – Process Expansion PCS 7 ES PCS 7 OS Clients SIMATIC PCS 7 PCS 7 OS Servers Ethernet 417H 417 TI505 PROFIBUS APT Engineering TF IE RBC 555 PCS 7/505 OS Servers Change-out HMI SW Applications Retain 505 Controller Engineering Tool 505 Controllers 505 I/O Modules Field Wiring Add Pure PCS 7 components 01/2009
Example Migration Strategy – Change-out HMI / Controllers Industrial Ethernet PCS 7 ES PCS 7 OS Clients PCS 7 OS Servers AS controller RBC DP PROFIBUS AS controllers F-SM PROFIBUS I/O DP/PA-Link Change-out HMI SW Applications 505 Controller 505 Controller Engineering Tool Retain 505 I/O Modules Wiring 01/2009
PCS 7/505 OS Migration Product Component DBA Toolset Runtime Extension Framework Native 505 Channel DBA Control Center C505 PCS 7 Products PCS 7 ES (SIMATIC Manager) PCS 7 OS Servers PCS 7 OS Clients Graphics Designer TiStar / PCS / PCS OSx APT / TiSoft / SoftShop Engineering Tool 505 Controllers
Database Automation (DBA) Ethernet PCS 7 Engineering OS Client PCS 7 / 505 OS Server Install.Tag APT Engineering 1 2 3 n SIMATIC 505 Controller Field Termination Field wiring Field devices DBA reads the 505 export file (install.tag) Controller Objects (grouping of Tags) Alarm config data (messages, class, type, and priorities) Alarm triggers (High, Low, and Deviation) DBA provides tools to: Organize Controller objects in a hierarchical based on plant areas to facilitate navigation, alarm management, graphics content, and security implementation Compile, Download to PCS 7 OS
Sources of Install.Tag file APT APT Export OSx Export Manual OSx 4.1.2 or OSx 4.1.2A OSx Service Pre OSx 4.1.2 or OSx 4.1.2A TISOFT SoftShop Configuration Tool 01/2009
Database Automation (DBA) User Interface Layout Plant Hierarchy (8 Lvls) (S88 compliant) Controller objects assigned to the Technological Hierarchy Flat list of controller objects (PID, Motor, etc.) List of Legacy Controller’s 01/2009
Database Automation (DBA) Supported SIMATIC 505 Controller Objects AI – Analog input AO – Analog Output DI – Digital Input (1 bit/multiple bits) DI10 – 10 bit Discrete Input DO – Discrete Output DO10 – 10 bit Discrete Output VLV1 – Single Feedback Valve VLV2 – Dual Feedback Valve RMTR – Reversible Motor MTR1 – Non-reversible Motor MTR2 – Two Speed Motor CALC – Calc Variable IVAR – Integer Variable TMR – Timer CTR – Counter LOOP – Loop TEXT – Three text strings UNIT – Unit AREA – Area Note: Except for UNIT and AREA Block Types, all other Block Types includes a Faceplate and a Symbol
Integrated Alarm Handling Subsystem Out-Of-The-Box Alarm Handling Capabilities Runtime Extension Framework – Alarm Handling Alarm Persistence Alarm Synchronization (Redundant Servers) Alarm Detection, Ack, Disable Integrated Alarm Handling Subsystem V6.1
505 Channel Interface Server - Receive Device Status and Process Values Ethernet PCS 7 Engineering OS Client PCS 7 / 505 OS Server on 88.8 APT Engineering 1 2 3 n SIMATIC 505 Controller Field Termination Field wiring Field devices on 88.8
Native 505 Channel Interface Server Send Device Commands and Process Values Ethernet PCS 7 Engineering OS Client PCS 7 / 505 OS Server on 88.8 APT Engineering 1 2 3 n SIMATIC 505 Controller Field Termination Field wiring Field devices on 88.8
Pre-built PCS 7 Symbol Library for 505 Controller Objects
Pre-built PCS 7 Faceplate Library for 505 Controller Objects Control Panel Alarm Settings Alarm List Tuning Panel Online Trend PID Faceplate
Graphics Conversion Service (SHO R&D) This service is offered by R&D in SHO. The service converts the static elements of your existing graphics for use with PCS 7. DBA will add the dynamic elements of your application to the converted graphics. All you need to do is reposition the dynamic elements to complete your graphic. 01/2009
Data Export Service (SHO R&D) The Install.tag file does not contain any information on Action Request. As a result, to get this information the user has to manually document the Action Requests used in the project. Alternatively, Siemens offers a service to do this using automated tools. This service is offered by the R&D group at SHO. You then need to re-implement the Action Requests for the project. Action Requests Recipes Cross reference – tags / graphics 01/2009
Basic Project Workflow Create PCS 7 Project Import Any Converted Graphics Import 505 data into DBA Project Create Hardware Structure Structure tags in Plant View Add Action Requests Compile / Download to OS Servers Start PCS 7 OS 01/2009 V6.1
Single Station Architecture Supported Product Architectures PCS 7 / 505 OS Engineering Pack PCS 7 / 505 OS Single Station APT Engineering Node TF Ethernet Single Station Architecture 01/2009
PCS 7 OS Software Client V6.1 Client – Server Architecture Supported Product Architectures PCS 7 / 505 OS Engineering Pack PCS 7 OS Software Client V6.1 PCS 7 / 505 OS Servers (Non Redundant) or PCS 7 / 505 OS Redundant Server Pack APT Engineering Node TF Ethernet Client – Server Architecture 01/2009
PCS 7 OS Software Client V6.1 Expansion Architecture Supported Solution Architectures PCS 7 / 505 OS Engineering Pack Plus PCS 7 Engineering Software for AS PCS 7 OS Software Client V6.1 APT Engineering PCS 7 OS Server Software or PCS 7 Server Redundancy TF Ethernet Ethernet PCS 7 / 505 OS Servers (Non Redundant) or PCS 7 / 505 OS Redundant Server Pack 417 417H PROFIBUS TI505 Expansion Architecture SIMATIC PCS 7 01/2009
Dual Leg PCS 7 / 505 OS Server Architecture Supported Solution Architectures PCS 7 / 505 OS Engineering Pack Plus PCS 7 Engineering Software for AS PCS 7 OS Software Client PCS 7 / 505 OS Servers (Non Redundant) or PCS 7 / 505 OS Redundant Server Pack APT Engineering TF Ethernet Ethernet 417 TI505 SIMATIC PCS 7 Dual Leg PCS 7 / 505 OS Server Architecture 01/2009
PCS 7/505 OS V7.0 – What’s New Re-validation (Support for PCS 7 V7.0 SP2) Support for running on WinXP, Svr2003 Support Web Read/Write to faceplates/symbols Modified Runtime Framework to support Web Solutions Configure short/long term tag archiving from DBA Tags to archive Tag archive rate 01/2009
Order Information PCS 7/505 OS Software Packages Product Order No. OS Engineering Package Unlimited PO with 2 hr Runtime capability PCS 7/505 OS Engineering Pack, V7.0 (PO Unlimited) 6EQ2000-3ED07-3BA5 OS Engineering Package Runtime Included (PO 2000) PCS 7/505 OS Engineering Pack, V7.0 (PO 2000) 6EQ2000-3EE07-3BA5 OS Redundant Server Package (PO 2000) PCS 7/505 OS Redundant Server Pack, V7.0 (PO 2000) 6EQ2000-3DE07-3BA0 OS Server Package PCS 7/505 OS Server Pack, V7.0 (PO 2000) 6EQ2000-3BE07-3BA0 OS Single Station Package (PO 2000) PCS 7/505 OS Single Station Pack, V7.0 (PO 2000) 6EQ2000-3AE07-3BA0 OS Client V7.0 PCS 7 OS Client V7.0 (This is the standard PCS 7 OS Client Package.) 6ES7658-2CX07-0YA5 01/2009
Order Information PCS 7/505 OS Upgrade Packages Product Order No. * 505 OS Engineering Upgrade Package PCS 7/505 OS Upgrade Package Engineering OS V6.1 -> V7.0 6EQ2000-3XX07-3BE5 ** 505 OS Runtime Upgrade Package PCS 7/505 OS Upgrade Package Runtime OS V6.1 -> V7.0 6EQ2000-3XX07-3BE0 *** Client Upgrade Package Upgrade Package PCS 7 OS Client V6.1 -> V7.0 6ES7 652-5CX07-0YE5 * Order one package for each 505 OS Engineering Station. The engineering station upgrade package provides two license disks. One disk upgrades Runtime, while retaining the same number of POs that your system had pre-upgrade. The other disk upgrades your engineering station to Unlimited POs but with only 2 hour runtime capability. ** Order one package for each 505 OS Server or Single Station *** Order one package for each PCS 7 Client Station 01/2009