Management of water scarcity through micro irrigation Università degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria e Forestale Management of water scarcity through micro irrigation Graziano Ghinassi – ITAL-ICID 5th Asian Regional Conference - Special session on Micro irrigation New Delhi, December 8th, 2009
Goals of modern on-farm irrigation Attention to water and energy (efficient use of the resources) Low (minimal) impact on environment Economic sustainability of farmer’s activity
Micro irrigation has the potential to achieve these goals Irrigation system should be: -selected according to performance and economic criteria (equipment quality, market price, …) well designed and assembled managed properly (i.e., working pressure, lateral length, …)
Farmers and micro irrigation Common idea: micro=water and energy saving per se Inaccurate design Modifications to the original design Poor system maintenance Unfamiliar performance Exceeding equipment technical lifetime Complex scheduling
Farmers and micro irrigation Farmers’ self-evaluation about on-farm system and practice management degree (S.E.Agr.I.T. research project): LOW: 7%; FAIR: 79%; GOOD: 14%. General excess of irrigation water (up to 160%)
Test and design of drip lines and system units Ve.Pro.L.G.s 2008 Test and design of drip lines and system units
Test and design of drip lines and system units Ve.Pro.L.G.s 2008 Test and design of drip lines and system units
SOFTWARE DATABASE Ve.Pro.L.G.s 2008 is a user-friendly application software created by the National Irrigation Laboratory of the University of Pisa (Italy) and supported by ARSIA Regione Toscana. Equipped with the characteristics of about 70 drip line models, measured according to standardized laboratory test.
Use: test existing drip systems, compare options for Use: test existing drip systems, compare options for rehabilitation or new design, based on set performance and cost (water and energy) Input: data describing specific situations (type and position of manifold, drip lines length, field slopes, seasonal irrigation water supply, pressure at the inlet, etc..), costs (dripline, energy, …) and constraints (dripline lifetime, …) Output: driplines matching farmer requirements
Test on annual crops
Test on existing drip line - Annual crop Test on drip line Design EU Test on existing drip line - Annual crop
Test on existing drip sector - Annual crop Test on drip sector Lay flat Design EU Test on existing drip sector - Annual crop
Test and improvement on perennial crops
Seasonal irrigation supply Field shape Field characteristics - Vineyard Field area Field slopes In-row plant spacing Seasonal irrigation supply
Manifold characteristics - Vineyard Manifold type Monolateral Bilateral Manifold characteristics - Vineyard Double Manifold feed Central Left Right Driplines spacing
Test on existing drip line - Vineyard Test on dripline Test on existing drip line - Vineyard Discharge evaluation Actual working pressure
Test on existing drip line - Vineyard Design EU Test on existing drip line - Vineyard Discharge along the lateral Inlet End
Test on existing drip line - Vineyard Design EU Test on existing drip line - Vineyard Pressure along the lateral Inlet End
Test on existing drip line - Vineyard Design EU Test on existing drip line - Vineyard Pressure along the lateral Inlet End
Search for optimal pressure and EU New option on existing drip line - Vineyard
Search for optimal pressure and EU Optimization of pressure at the inlet and EU New option on existing drip line - Vineyard
New option on existing drip line - Vineyard Pressure along the lateral Inlet End
New option on existing drip line - Vineyard Optimal pressure at the inlet New option on existing drip line - Vineyard Pressure along the lateral Inlet End
New option on existing drip line - Vineyard Optimal pressure at the inlet New option on existing drip line - Vineyard Pressure along the lateral Inlet End
Test on new option on existing drip line - Vineyard Discharge along the lateral Inlet End
Case study
Annual crops (average values) Central Italy
Measured EU in some drip systems System n.
Water saving allowed by careful system maintenance (estimated by Ve.Pro.L.G./s 2008)
Water saving allowed by careful system maintenance and Ve. Pro. L. G Water saving allowed by careful system maintenance and Ve.Pro.L.G./s 2008 supported design
Apple orchard Central Italy
Actual operating conditions -Lateral: LDPE PN6 Ø 20 mm -0.75 m spacing self-compensating emitters -4 l/h nominal discharge 200 kPa max inlet pressure 100 to 130 m length 4% field slope Measured EU: 58% Potential EU (estimated by Ve.Pro.L.G.s)=93.3%
Search for EU best options
Search for EU best options
Search for EU under given pressure (50 kPa)
Search for EU under given pressure (50 kPa)
Search for EU under given pressure (50 kPa)
Conclusions Farmers wish for correct resources management The way drip systems operate is unsuitable to proper irrigation practice in many cases Users can play an important role in improving system performance Ve.Pro.L.G.s 2008 software is an effective tool
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