Airplane Team Competition Personal Reflection Team Name: Chubbz By: Jessica Greenwood
Team Member Names & Explanation of Roles Logan- Manufacturer which makes the airplane Jessica-Manager which manages the team Zach- Test pilot which flew the plane Chessa- Designer which designed the planes model.
Airplane Aloft Times Flight #1: 2.2 Flight #2: 2.1 Flight #3: 1.6 Flight #4: 2.1 Flight #5: 2.3 Average: 2.06
Questions, Answers, & Explanation How did your team arrive at a design? We put our ideas together. Did you work together on a design or individual? together Did you consider more than one design? yes Did you share information with your fellow team members? yes
Questions, Answers, & Explanation How was your leader selected? Jessica How did you feel about the selection? Fine How did you work with the leader or if you were the leader, how did you work with those you led? We work fairly well and put our ideas together
Questions, Answers, & Explanation Did everyone participate in the design process? yes Did some people dominate? no Did everyone pull their weight? yes How did you feel about the process? I think it was easy.
Questions, Answers, & Explanation Did you feel constrained or pressured by the time limit? no Did you feel constrained or pressured by the paper limit? no How did you respond? I didnt
Questions, Answers, & Explanation Did you worry about other teams stealing your design? no What could you do to protect your design? we didnt let anyone see what we were designing Can you trust your teammates? yes Why or why not? Because they are good people.
Photos of Competition
References My personal experience and observation.