Global Initiatives in Scholarly Electronic Publishing Colin Steele Emeritus Fellow, ANU
Quotes for University Presses “University Printing Presses exist … for the purpose of producing books that no-one can read”, Microcosmographia Academica 1908 “A university press exists to publish as many good scholarly books as possible short of bankruptcy”, Director Harvard UP, 1947
US University Press Facts Sales of university press hardcovers decline 2.8% from January 2003 to January 2004 Print runs decline dramatically from 3,000 copies per monograph in the 1960s to less than 700 by 2000 Global figures for a social science and humanities monograph estimated at 350 copies. But how many are remaindered and do authors care?
Tragedy of the Commons Cornell comment that the model of scholarly publishing can be reduced in economic terms to a tragedy of the commons Individual interests of publishers, libraries and scholars are in conflict with what is in the best interest of the public good Creative Commons – Lessig’s new book available free on the Net. Free books on the Net sell more copies!
Need to Define Scholarly Publishing Need to make distinction between research monographs and teaching and learning text books/ electronic one stop shops In research need to define publication as research repositories cover much non-textual material, eg databases, data archives ranging from astronomy to cross cultural studies Multi media web publishing provides new opportunities
Professor Edward Ayers
New Forms Of Historical Dialogue?
Crisis in Monograph Publishing Nonetheless the monograph is still the key indicator for promotion and tenure but difficulty for young scholars in getting first book published Professor Blaise Cronin “Mickey Mouse and Milton” Learned Publishing April 2004 – analysis of major US universities tenure committees and the importance of the monograph
American Council of Learned Societies Closure or decline of many traditional university presses Perceived preference by publishers for inter- disciplinary books or “hot topics” – gay, cultural studies Publishing by university press of general books, eg cookbooks New models however are emerging
New Monograph Trends Books will essentially be deconstructed in the digital age Books and chapters indexed and abstracted and full text searchable Aggregated monograph subscription packages Implications for textual continuity and walk in scholar
Oxford Scholarship Online
OUP 2 Subject home pages – religion, philosophy, political science, economics and finance 700 complete and fully searchable texts 200 titles added each year Most works have key word metadata and chapter abstracts – available to be perused freely but only subscribers view full text User issues, subscription issues and permanence
Darnton Professor Robert Darnton in 1999 as AHA President suggested “a program for reviving monographs” in order to overcome the crisis in production of scholarly monographs Books undergo a rigorous academic review process and already have won major awards Different business plan to ACLS e-Book project
Gutenberg-e Columbia UP
ACLS History E-Book
ACLS 2 Initiative of eight learned societies and select university presses 800 titles on the list, 250 books added annually Available through subscribing libraries Advisory Board, half eminent scholars, half head librarians Already winning major prizes for history books, eg zoom images and links to external websites
Regier 2002 “Universities may find that a more honest way to track the cost of publications would be to fund them up front, publish them electronically and publish them free” W G Regier, Director University of Illinois Press, 10 September 2002 Library input/output analogies of scholarly materaial
California eScholarship
Scholar uploads paper to eScholarship repository in MS Word – automatically posted in pdf for downloading as required globally 400 titles available globally free of charge 12,500 downloads per week Paper either remains working paper or peer review process undergone If passes is published individually or in collected volume. Economic decision on print.
Cornell Internet-First University Press
ANU E-Prints
ANU E-Prints 2003 2000 documents lodged without sustained campaign of advocacy 219,306 pdf downloads: science, Asian studies and law predominate. Top article in science downloads Top countries without spiders Oz/USA 62%. Top countries with spiders 80% USA/Oz Better mechanisms for ANU Guild Publishing distribution
Types of Asian Content See ANU E-Prints under “Asian” and also “Asian Studies” 2004 entries include “Post-crisis export performance in Thailand”; “Cultivated landscapes of the south west Pacific”; and “HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea” MA Thesis on Iran in top 10 for 2003
QUT E-Prints
ANU E Press Funded by Professor Chubb in January 2003, over three year period with primary aim to distribute research output in social sciences and humanities Return to original ? concept of University Press – promoting only output of ANU researchers To publish original electronic monograph publications by scholars, particularly younger ones. Still relatively low profile and therefore need for increased visibility on campus
ANU E Press
ANU E Press 2 Funded by Vice Chancellor over three year period with primary aim to distribute research output in social sciences and humanities especially monographs Return to original ? concept of University Press – promoting only output of ANU (younger) researchers Library ‘inputs’ research material to the university for institutional “ public good “ Press / IR’s ‘output’ research material for the university in similar pattern and have ‘Library business model’.
Monash University E Press
Monash University E-Press 2 Goals: advancement of scholarly communication by reducing costs of and barriers to access Providing a more direct link between readers and writers of scholarly material Promotion of Monash University’s research, teaching and intellectual capital Concentration on serials initially
Sydney University Press Electronic Initiatives
Melbourne University Publishing: Electronic Initiatives
UTS E Press 2004
Australian Digital Theses Extension
Paradise Imagined, Lost or Regained? New models of scholarly communication and publication Publication costs at front end not back end Scholars retain distribution rights and provide to university infrastructure services Research grant proposals allocate funds to disseminate research/ARC Global open access debate
Conclusion: Umberto Eco “We live for books, a sweet mission in this world dominated in this world by disorder and decay”, Umberto Eco Name of the Rose