Ruth Walker Cooperative Learning Ltd.
Who are Community Colleges? What is a QTLF for Community Colleges and why would we want one? Research questions Research plan What are the drivers for a QTLF? Early findings and discussion
43 autonomous RTOs Over 6 million hours of training (2010) 102,000 individual students More than 500 locations (town/suburbs) Metropolitan, remote and rural locations Cooperative Learning Ltd is a legal cooperative comprised of 17 Community Colleges in Northern NSW
A QTLF might describe capabilities, work expectations and career paths for trainers and assessors. Could be used by Community Colleges for: Designing job descriptions Recruitment and selection of staff Performance appraisal Supporting new and developing trainers Professional development plans and career plans Showing links and pathways between jobs Improving professionalism, teacher autonomy and capacity in CC
What could a quality teaching and learning framework for Community Colleges look like? How could it be used by managers and by trainers? How is professional development currently managed in Community Colleges? Is there any value to having a specific QTLF for Community Colleges? Or would we benefit more from sharing the same QTLF adopted by other VET RTOs?
Literature review - drivers and best practice Survey Managers and Trainers regarding existing practice and views Recommendations for framework / draft framework
Greater demands on trainer skills Increasing demand for VET training More workplace training Increasing training objectives Casualisation More diverse learners National Agenda: Social Inclusion Participation Skills needs Aging workforce Qualification targets Workplace accountability and complexity
Productivity Commission (2011) VET Workforce Research Report Skills Australia (2011) Skills for Prosperity Mitchell and Ward (2010) National survey of VET practitioner skills Wheelahan (2010) The quality of teaching in VET Hugh Guthrie, Berwyn Clayton (2011) Scoping the feasibility of an association for VET professionals IBSA (2011) Draft VET Capability Framework
Focus groups with College Managers reviewing the IBSA Capability Framework Pros and cons of adopting this framework