Hint: You might actually clean with these What process did you use to potentially solve this problem?
Erickson, M. Ed.
The driving force behind scientific investigations Science, the domain is broken into multiple classifications based on what is being studied Life sciences- ecology, biology, marine biology, microbiology (just to name a few)
Problem SolvingCritical Thinking Organizing thoughts to solve a problem Systematical manner Separate unimportant information from the important information Think About Ex. Your cell phone is dying, you plug the phone and charger into the wall outlet. You discover the phone isn't charging. Solve
Problem/Question Sparks investigation Gather Information Hypothesis prediction Conduct Research/Experiment Manipulate variables Collect Data Analyze Conclusion
Science is not ALWAYS SO ORDELY Science is not conducted in a straight forward manner, which is commonly taught as the scientific method.
Question: Turtle eggs Develop a testable question Predict the outcome Design an experiment
Does the temperature of an egg affect if the turtle is male or female?
Hypothesis: Turtle eggs develop into male turtles in cold temperature and into female turtles in warm temperature. Design an experiment to show if the hypothesis is correct 25 eggs are gathered, 4 batch 60 days 26C: 21 male, 2 female 28C: 13 male, 12 female 30C: 1 male, 19 female 32C: 1 male, 20 female
What are some investigations or models you have create? Why did you invest or create a model? Experiments Observations Inferences Representations