... safe ?... is it
2008 – 2020 Aims to avoid 16’300 seriously injured and killed people over 12 years, halving the road toll (compared to doing nothing) - Safe Roads and Roadsides - Safe Speeds - Safe Road Use (Drivers) - Safe Vehicles $531‘000 per KSI avoided $6‘000 per KSI avoided
Focused on cars, not on people People focus = is it safe for all road users? (08/80 rule) People are afraid to walk and cycle Many societal and personal benefits in getting people out of cars, into active transport 14.6% of road users hospitalised are cyclists Serious cyclists injuries increasing (47% ) Most common cycle fatality: run over by car QLD: 42% would cycle if roads were safer (in WA: 25%) RAC survey: 91% of cyclists fear sharing the road with motorists
up to five times higher death rate for cyclists high spending on car infrastructre
41.9% casualty reductions in London with 20 mph zones Reduction greatest in younger children 08/80 rule If car speeds cannot be reduced, separate traffic
Most frequent serious cycle accident is being hit by a car travelling in the same direction
Separation from cars Safe passing distance Lower car speeds
Visit btawa.org.au click on “Advocacy” for a background paper on the issues raised in this presentation.