I am the master of my fate/ I am the captain of my soul (Invictus) Sexuality and relationships: The importance of self–determination
Stereotypes I assumed that I would have the same life trajectory as any other girl. NOTE: Images thanks to Mattel 2
3 Relationships Disability Self– determinat ion “You may not get to choose the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them” Sexuality Why is disability and sexuality a taboo subject? Sexuality for all individuals can be: empowering, interesting, can improve self- esteem, can increase social connectedness, and can ultimately be extremely fun. If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. Take control. It’s all about empowerment, knowledge and confidence.
4 v2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/sex_education _young_people_with_intellectual_disa bilities This Victorian website is fantastic for people with disabilities, their families, their friends and support workers to obtain more detailed information about sexual education and young people with intellectual disability. Another excellent site for sexual education. Without adequate sexual education, young people with intellectual disability can be particularly vulnerable in this highly sexualised world.
BODY IMAGE ( AN ISSUE THAT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ) This article from Women with Disabilities Australia about the double disadvantages women face through being a woman and having a disability is an interesting read and very informative. – interesting article on disability and body image. 5 ‘Making an Appearance’ is a positive body image project funded through the Victorian Department of Planning and Community Development. Visit infoxchange.net.au/news/d etail.chtml?filename_num = infoxchange.net.au/news/d etail.chtml?filename_num = Body Image RaceGenderAgeDisability
6 OpenRealisticReliableEncouragingSafe
Scarlet Road The URL for the Scarlet Road documentary is: You can purchase the DVD as an individual or as an organisation. I highly recommend it. 7
8 Above is a selection of our 2012 Paralympic team. 85 Paralympic medals. You’ve done Australia proud. Well done. As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. Sexuality Education Counselling and Consultancy Agency (secca) was established in 1991 by a small group of professionals working in diverse service delivery areas with people with a disability. This group worked towards bridging the gaps in human relationships and sexuality services for people with a disability. For more information, visit