Connecting with M-Pods & Clusters Mid-sized, Mission-shaped Communities
Resources Belonging M-PodsClustersCelebrations (3-15) (16-50) (50+)
up out in
UP IN OUT UP with God where we develop intimacy with Him where we develop intimacy with Him IN with other believers where we look to be a community OUT with non believers where we seek to make an impact for the Kingdom of God where we seek to make an impact for the Kingdom of God
UP Praying Reading the bible Worship IN Fellowship Encouragement and exhortation Strong, open relationships Mutual support, nurture Accountability Healing Reconciling Giving Serving
Praying for opportunities to connect at work/home/school/sport/next door Being aware of not-yet Christians who are open to you Connecting with the poor and marginalized Connecting with folk at church OUT Mission & People of Peace
Mainly Music 299 X-Pod Tate Street P.S. Op- Shop GNO Launch Pod TGI BNO ??? Sugar ‘n’ Spice Jigsaw Geelong High Training Equipping Sending Seniors Fellowship Heart & Hands St Matt’s Families & Friends Bookworms Men’s Pub Nights God Pod KYB Stand-ins Open our Eyes Munchkins Prison Fellowship