Rewayat Hafs 'An 'Aasim by the way of Shaatibiyyah Muslla altaqwa 10 th lecture 27 Jumadi AL Awwal 1434
Sifat AL Horoof: letters Sometimes Tafkheem & Sometimes Tarqeeq The quality of ist'ala is found in the following seven letters which are called musta'liyah ( ص، ض،غ ، ط ، ق ، ظ ) خ، ) or ( خص ضغط قظ ) The other letters are Tarqeeq However there are some exemption e.g. ( الألف ), (lam in the word of ( الله )( and the letter ( ر ). Those letters sometimes have Tarqeeq and sometimes have Tafkheem.
1 st Tafkhem / tarqeeq al Alif Alif follows what preceed it. So if the letter before it was tafkheem then Alif will be tafkheem and verse vesa. Examples Tafkheem al Alif: قال ، الصراط، الضالين ، الخاسرين، طائركم Tarqeeq al Alif: الرحمن ، مالك ، ناظرة ، النهار ، ناصبة ، تصلى ناراً حامية
2 nd lam in the word of ( الله ) lam in the word of ( الله ) has tafkhem if the letter before it has fatha or Dammah. It has tarqeeq if the letter before it has kasrah.
Eamples on tafkheem/tarqeeq lam ( الله ): Eamples on tafkheem lam ( الله ): Fatha : ( على الله ) و ( قال الله ) و ( قل هو الله ) و ( سيؤتينا الله ) Dammah: ( نصر الله ) و ( عبدالله ) و ( وإذ قالوا اللهم ) و ( اذكروا الله ) Eamples on tafkheem lam ( الله ): Kasrah only و ( يعلم الله ) و ( بالله ) و ( ينجى الله ) و ( قوما الله ) و ( بسم الله ) و ( أفي الله شك ) و ( قل الله ).
3 rd the letter Raa ( ر ) Cases in which the raa is tafkheem 1. If it has a fathasuch such as ( رَمضان ) 2. If it has skoon and before it is a fatha such as ( مَرْيم ) 3. If it has skoon and before it is a skoon and before it is a fatha such as ( والعَصْرْ ). 4. If it has a Damma such as ( كفرُوا ) 5. If it has skoon and before it is a fatha such as ( القُرْءان ) 6. If it has skoon and before it is a skoon and before it is a fatha such as ( خُسْرْ ).
Cases in which the raa is Tarqeeq 1. If it has a kasrah such as ( كرِيم و رِيح ) 2. If it has skoon and before it is a kasrah and not followd by one of the tafkheem letters such as ( فِرْعون ) if it followed by tafkheem letter it will be tafkheem such as ( قِرْطاس ), ( فِرْقة ) 3. If it has skoon and before it is a skoon (but not a tafkheem letter) and before it is a kasrah such as ( حِجْرْ ). If it has skoon and before it is a skoon (and it was a tafkheem letter) and before it is a kasrah then it could be tafkheem or tarqeeq such as ( مِصْر و قِطْر ).