Australian Centre for Innovation Mid-Year Report 2014 Professor Ron Johnston, FTSE, FRSN Australian Centre for Innovation Addressing the challenges of the future through innovation
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES E Our Teaching Role Advanced Engineering Professional Engineering Management of Technology, Innovation and Global Engineering Strategy Supervision of >30 final-year theses
Australian Centre for Innovation Addressing the challenges of the future through innovation Digital Innovation for Farms Identifies opportunities to improve productivity, quality and income from Australian agriculture through the implementation of new technologies Emphasises the need for a national strategy so that Australian farms can take full advantage of the capacities continually emerging in the digital economy Sees great potential for the growth of a strong agricultural technology business services sector
Australian Centre for Innovation Addressing the challenges of the future through innovation STI Capacity on Australian Company Boards (for the Office of the Chief Scientist) Little evidence that there is a severe shortage of STEM- educated directors for Australian company boards The more important issues may be at what level major strategic issues with a significant technological content are addressed Can more STEM-educated professionals be encouraged to equip themselves with the necessary experience to become valuable company directors?
Australian Centre for Innovation Addressing the challenges of the future through innovation Capacity of Australian Companies to Identify and Adopt New Technologies The innovative capacity of Australian companies is low by comparison with OECD competitors Australian company innovation is ad hoc, based on particular individuals and circumstances, rather than systematic across companies and industries Australian companies, with a few exceptions are at best fast followers, which provides a limited capacity for engaging with the potential of new technology
Australian Centre for Innovation Addressing the challenges of the future through innovation Global Study of Social Innovation Social Innovation is a primary driver of transformational change We are a member of the international consortium recently awarded a 5 million Euros EC grant to conduct a four-year study of social innovation The consortium includes 15 partners from the EU and 11 from Russia, China, India, Canada, Australia, South Africa and South America
Australian Centre for Innovation Addressing the challenges of the future through innovation Analysis of Emerging Technology Opportunities Energy/food water security in the ASEAN region – Rockefeller-funded project Drivers shaping the Australian electricity market over the next 15 years Fostering Innovation through Future-oriented Technology Analysis – Brussels Conference in November 2014