Yr 9 Test = Revision Ethical Decisions Crime and Punishment Where do our morals come from? Is it ever right to Kill? Is the media to blame? If you do something wrong you must be punished!
Is it ever right to kill? Is it an absolute or relative right Do you have to be religious to think killing is wrong? What or who influences your moral decisions?
Every action has a consequence or outcome… Should our actions be judged on their outcomes alone? OR: Should we be judged on what we hoped the outcome would be (our intentions)?
Which ethical theory is this? the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by the amount of happiness it causes. There is no such thing as an absolute right as something is right only when it produces the most amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. UTILITARIANISM
Match up the ethical theories Situation ethics Virtue ethics Natural Law Categorical imperative Gods laws of nature and can be found in the Bible Its the duty of humans to be moral (good) People improve when they develop their good qualities A choice is right if it has the most loving outcome
Does the media influence people? Think of as many different types of media and each one might influence people
Does the media influence? Think of as many different types of media and each one might influence people (for the better and worse)
Why do people commit crimes? Vs
How do people react to crime?
What role does the media play?
Aims of Punishment P R V D R Pandas Rarely Vote for Daring Rhinos
Punishment..... Capital Punishment: Should it ever be used? What are the arguments for and against? Should all crimes be punished? Does the nature of the crime affect this.... For example does it make a difference if the victim is an adult or a child?