Healthy Eating Yr8 Recipes
Fairy Cakes Ingredients Method 100g margarine (4 tbl spoons) 100g sugar (4 tbl spoons) 100g S.R. flour 2 eggs Method Cream margarine and sugar until light and creamy. Add the egg a little at a time and beat well. Add vanilla essence and beat well. Fold in the flour. Half fill the paper cases with the mixture. Bake for 15-20mins on Gas 4 / 180°C until firm to touch and golden brown.
Chilli Bean Casserole Ingredients Method 1 teaspoon oil 1 piece of onion ½ clove garlic Pinch each of basil, cumin, chilli powder, cayenne pepper 1 piece of pepper 1 piece of carrot ½ stick of celery ¼ tin chopped tomatoes 1 dst spoon tomato puree 50ml water 1 tbl spoon kidney beans or baked beans 10g cracked wheat / couscous Salt and pepper ½ teaspoon lemon juice Method Fry chopped onion and garlic, herbs and spices in the oil for 2mins. Add all the chopped vegetables, tomatoes, puree and water. Bring to boil and cook for 3mins. Add beans and cracked wheat and simmer on a low heat for 20mins. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice. Serve with crusty bread.
Spaghetti Bolognaise Ingredients Method 20g pasta 100g mince / quorn ½ clove garlic 1 tbl spoon oil ½ onion ¼ pepper ¼ carrot 25g mushrooms 100ml chopped tomatoes (1 ladle) 1 tbl spoon tomato puree Salt and pepper to season Method Boil the pasta in a pan of water for 10mins. Drain the pasta and place into a container. Fry the mince and garlic in oil in a large pan until browned. Stir to prevent sticking. Add the onion, pepper, carrot and mushroom and cook for 5mins. Add the chopped tomatoes, puree, salt and pepper and mix well. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20mins. Reduce the heat and simmer 15mins until vegetables are tender. Stir occasionally. Pour sauce over pasta and serve.
Banana Bread Ingredients Method 100g SR flour ½ teaspoon mixed spice 40g sugar 1 small banana 10g coconut 100ml milk Method Place flour, sugar, spice and coconut in a mixing bowl. Mash the banana on a plate with a fork until mushy. Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture. Mix the banana and the milk together and pour into the flour mixture. Mix well. Pour the mixture into a loaf tin. Bake for 20-25mins on Gas 4 / 180°C until firm to touch and golden brown.
Wholemeal Bread Buns Ingredients Method 75g strong white flour (3 tbl spoons) 25g wholemeal flour (1 tbl spoons) 1 teaspoon yeast ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon milk powder 50ml warm water Method Place both types of flour, yeast, salt and milk powder into a bowl. Stir well. Add the warm water. Mix to a dough with a wooden spoon. Knead the dough on a floured table for 5mins. Shape into 3 or 4 buns. Place onto a greased baking tray, cover with a plastic bag and leave in a warm place to double in size. Remove plastic and bake for 15mins on Gas 8 / 230°C until golden brown.
Macaroni Cheese Ingredients Method 50g pasta 25g margarine 25g plain flour 250ml milk 50g grated cheese Salt / pepper / pinch of mustard powder Method Cook pasta in a large pan of boiling water for 10mins. Remove pasta from heat, drain and place into a container. Melt margarine in a small pan. Remove pan from heat and stir in flour a little at a time. Return pan to heat for 10sec, stirring all the time. Remove pan from heat and add milk a little at a time, stirring constantly. Bring mixture to the boil and stir in half the cheese. Pour sauce over the pasta and sprinkle remaining cheese on top. Tip: Place the container in an oven or under a grill until golden brown on top.
Quick Lasagne Ingredients Method 1 dst spoon oil ¼ onion ½ clove garlic 50g mince ¼ tin chopped tomatoes (100g) Pinch of mixed herbs 1 level tbl spoon (15g) corn flour 125ml milk Salt and pepper Pinch of mustard powder 25g grated cheese Method Dice onion, crush garlic and fry with mince in oil. Add chopped tomatoes and mixed herbs and simmer gently until meat is cooked. Mix corn flour with 1tb spoon cold milk. Place the remaining milk in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Pour the hot milk onto the corn flour mix, stir, pour back into the pan. Ring to the boil stirring all the time. Add the seasoning and the ½ cheese. Arrange the layers of lasagne as follows: a layer of meat, a layer of lasagne, a layer of cheese sauce. Continue until all ingredients are used, ending with the cheese sauce . Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and bake until golden brown for 30mins on Gas 6 / 200°C
Rice Salad Ingredients Method 50g rice ¼ onion 50g mixed vegetables 50g tuna 25g mayonnaise Salt and pepper 2 tomato slices to garnish Method Place the rice in a pan and cover with cold water. Add the chopped onion and mixed vegetables and bring to the boil. Simmer until the rice is tender, about 12mins. Strain any water and rinse under cold running water. Flake the tuna and add to the rice. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in mayonnaise and place into a container. Garnish with tomatoes or herbs.
Bombay Potatoes Ingredients Method ½ onion 1 tbl spoon oil 450g potatoes 1 small clove garlic ½ teaspoon chilli powder ½ teaspoon coriander ½ teaspoon cumin seeds ½ garam masala 200g chopped tomatoes Pinch of parsley / coriander Method Peel and chop potatoes and onion. Fry the onion in the oil until they look transparent. Add the garlic and spics and fry gently. Add the tomatoes and finely chopped potatoes and cook gently for about 20mins until the potatoes are tender.. Spoon mixture into a container and sprinkle with herbs.
Cheese & Onion Bread Ingredients Method 100g S.R. flour (4 tbl spoons) ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon mustard powder 15g margarine 1 tbl spoon spring onions 50g grated cheese 1 egg 2-3 tbl spoons milk Method Place flour, salt, mustard powder into a bowl. Rub in the margarine. Add onion and half the cheese to flour mixture, mix well. Add the egg and milk and mix thoroughly to make a soft, sticky dough. Pour the mixture into a greased tin and spread with a knife. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top. Bake for 15-20mins on Gas 5 / 190°C until golden brown.
Flapjack Ingredients Method 125g rolled oats 75g sugar 75g margarine 2 tbl spoons golden syrup Method Melt margarine, syrup and sugar in a pan. Do not let the mixture boil. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the oats. Press into a tin. Bake for 20-30mins on Gas 3 / 170°C until golden brown.
Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients 50g margarine 125g plain flour (5 tbl spoons) 50g brown sugar (2 tbl spoons) 25g chocolate chips (1 tbl spoon) 1 small egg 1-2 drops vanilla essence Method Rub margarine into flour until it looks like breadcrumbs. Stir in sugar and chocolate chips. Beat the egg and vanilla essence together with a fork. Add egg mixture to the dry ingredients a little at a time to make a stiff dough. Place mixture in small spoonfuls on a greased baking tray. Bake for 10-15mins on Gas 4 / 180°C until golden brown.
Designer Cookies Ingredients Method 50g margarine 100g plain flour (5 tbl spoons) 50g brown sugar (2 tbl spoons) Filling of your choice 1 small egg 1-2 drops vanilla essence Method Rub margarine into flour until it looks like breadcrumbs. Stir in sugar and filling of your choice. Beat the egg and vanilla essence together with a fork. Add any food colouring to the egg mixture. Add egg mixture to the dry ingredients a little at a time to make a stiff dough. Place mixture in small spoonfuls on a greased baking tray. Bake for 10-15mins on Gas 4 / 180°C until golden brown.
Rock Buns Ingredients Method 100g S.R. flour (4 tbl spoons) 40g margarine 1 tbl spoon sugar 40g dried fruit ½ egg 1 tbl spoon water Method Rub margarine into flour until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add the sugar and dried fruit. Beat egg lightly and add to mixture using a fork to mix. Add enough water to make a stiff mixture that will allow the fork to stand upright. Divide into 5 and place in rough heaps on a greased baking tray. Bake for 15mins on Gas 6 / 200°C until golden brown.
Pineapple Upside Down Cake Ingredients 50g sugar (2 tbl spoons) 50g margarine 1 egg 50g SR flour (2 tbl spoons) 1 slice pineapple ½ glace cherry 1 dst spoon syrup Method Cream margarine and sugar in a bowl with a wooden spoon until soft and creamy. Break egg into a jug and beat with a fork. Add the egg a little at a time, beating the mixture with a wooden spoon. Add the flour a little at a time, stirring gently with wooden spoon. The mixture should be a soft dropping consistency, falling off the spoon by the count of 3. Place the pineapple slice in the base of a foil tin. Place a cherry in the middle and spoon syrup over fruit. Pour cake mixture over fruit and smooth surface with a spatula. Bake for 20-25mins on Gas 4 / 180°C
Gingerbread Ingredients Method 60g plain flour (2 tbl spoons) ½ level teaspoon ginger ¼ level teaspoon mixed spice ¼ level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 15g sugar (1 level tbl spoon) 25g margarine 35g syrup (1 tbl spoon) ½ egg 25ml milk Method Place flour, spices, sugar and bicarbonate of soda into a mixing bowl. Melt margarine and syrup into a pan, do not boil. Remove the pan from the heat and pour mixture into the flour mixture. Beat egg and milk together and add to mixture. Beat until smooth. Pour into a loaf tin and bake for 25-30mins on Gas 4 / 180°C.
Sponge Flan Ingredients Method 2 eggs 50g caster sugar 50g plain flour 1 tbl spoon jam Method Break the eggs into a bowl and add the sugar. Whisk until the mixture is thick and pale. Gently fold in the flour with a metal spoon. Grease a foil container. Spoon the mixture into the foil container. Bake for 15-20mins on Gas 5 / 190°C until golden brown. Allow the flan to cool then cut in half. Spread the jam over one half and sandwich both pieces together.
Melting Moments Ingredients Method 50g margarine 25 g sugar 2 drops vanilla essence 75g plain flour 1 dst spoon rolled oats 1 glace cherry Method Cream margarine and sugar together until fluffy. Add the vanilla essence. Stir in the flour a little at a time. Divide the mixture into 8 pieces, roll in the oats and place on a greased baking tray. Press down lightly and place a little piece of cherry on the top. Bake for 15mins on Gas 4 / 180°C until golden brown.
Carrot Cake Ingredients Method 1 egg Grease a foil container. 100ml oil 75g sugar 75g SR flour 25g coconut ½ teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon vanilla essence 25g chopped nuts 1 finely grated carrot Method Grease a foil container. Beat egg and oil together. Add sugar and beat well. Add all of the other ingredients and beat well. Bake for 20-25mins on Gas 4 / 180°C until golden brown.