fundamental 4Cs values ENLIGHTENMENT CONTROL DISCOVERY SECURITY STATUS Reformer Succeeder Freedom from restriction, intrinsic meaning, intrinsic identity, independent judgement, social conscience, aesthetics, personal growth Goal orientation, self determination: stability, lasting, enduring – thorough, organising, delegating, problem-solving, simplifying complexity, prestige, hierarchy DISCOVERY Explorer Adventure, exploration, seeking, finding – who am I ? What is out there ? How far can I go ? What happens if I do this ? Adrenilin, hedonism, speed, danger, risk, Instant gratification SECURITY Mainstream Avoid risk, human warmth, comfort, sentiment, belonging, order, familiarity, acceptance, blending in, avoid confrontation STATUS Attention, admiration, image, persona, extrinsics, materialism, acquisition, affiliation, charisma Aspirer SURVIVAL Resigned Rigidity, discipline, limitation, imperative, tradition, safety, authority, duty, roles, rules, chauvinism, avoid complexity Struggler ESCAPE Alienation, low self-esteem, repressed desire, disorganised, physical, agression, anarchy
Intuitively Accessible Individuals ENLIGHTENMENT Reformer. Freedom from restriction, personal growth, social awareness, value for time, independent judgement, tolerance of complexity, anti-materialistic but aware of ‘good taste’. Curious and enquiring, support growth of new product categories. Select brands for intrinsic quality, favouring natural simplicity. ( High education) CONTROL Succeeder. Strong goal orientation, confidence, work ethic, organisation ... support status quo, stability. Brand choice based on reward, prestige - the very best . Also attracted to ‘caring’ and protective brands ... stress relief. Top management DISCOVERY Explorer. Energy - autonomy, experience, challenge, new frontiers. Brand choice highlights difference, sensation, adventure, indulgence, instant effect. The first to try new brands. Younger - student Mainstream. Domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental, passive, habitual. Part of the mass, favouring big and well-known value for money ‘family’ brands. Almost invariably the largest 4Cs group. Average demos SECURITY STATUS Aspirer. Materialistic, acquisitive, affiliative, oriented to extrinsics ... image, appearance, charisma, persona and fashion. Attractive pack more important than quality of contents. (Younger, clerical/sales type occupation) SURVIVAL ESCAPE Resigned. Rigid, strict, authoritarian and chauvinist values, oriented to the past and to traditional roles. Brand choice stresses safety, familiarity and economy. Older Struggler. Alienated, aimless, disorganised With few resources apart from physical/mechanical skills Heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food and lotteries, also trainers. Brand choice involves impact and sensation.
Intuitively Accessible Individuals ENLIGHTENMENT Reformer. Freedom from restriction, personal growth, social awareness, value for time, independent judgement, tolerance of complexity, anti-materialistic but aware of ‘good taste’. Curious and enquiring, support growth of new product categories. Select brands for intrinsic quality, favouring natural simplicity. ( High education) Succeeder. Strong goal orientation, confidence, work ethic, organisation ... support status quo, stability. Brand choice based on reward, prestige - the very best . Also attracted to ‘caring’ and protective brands ... stress relief. Top mngmnt CONTROL DISCOVERY Explorer. Energy - autonomy, experience, challenge, new frontiers. Brand choice highlights difference, sensation, adventure, indulgence, instant effect. The first to try new brands. Younger - student Mainstream. Domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental, passive, habitual. Part of the mass, favouring big and well-known value for money ‘family’ brands. Almost invariably the largest 4Cs group. Average demos SECURITY STATUS Aspirer. Materialistic, acquisitive, affiliative, oriented to extrinsics ... image, appearance, charisma, persona and fashion. Attractive pack more important than quality of contents. (Younger, clerical/sales type occupation) Resigned. Rigid, strict, authoritarian and chauvinist values, oriented to the past and to traditional roles. Brand choice stresses safety, familiarity and economy. Older SURVIVAL ESCAPE Struggler. Alienated, aimless, disorganised – with few resources apart from physical/mechanical skills Heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food and lotteries, also trainers. Brand choice involves impact and sensation.