Participation Programme (PP) Participation Programme (PP)
What is the Participation Programme? Assistance to initiatives by Member States in UNESCO’s fields of competence: - basic and natural sciences - culture - social & human sciences - education - communication & information (as per biennial programme / C5)
Basic principles Basic principles a. Assistance limited to: Member States (MS) Associate members or territories International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) having formal relations with UNESCO b. Requests to be submitted through the National Commission (NC) for UNESCO, or in case no NC, through designated government channel.
How many requests? How many requests? General Conference decides on max. number of requests per MS and INGO For limit was 12 requests for MS (including national NGOs) and 3 for INGOs Requests to be numbered in order of priority
Nature and level of Assistance Nature and level of Assistance Applicant may choose form of assistance, either: 1. Project implementation by UNESCO (from Paris or field office) 2. Financial contribution: - max. US$ 26,000 for national project requests - max. US$ 46,000 for regional submissions - max. US$ 35,000 for sub-regional or inter-regional projects Amount approved may differ from amount requested, following evaluation and Intersectoral Committee recommendations
Type of Projects Type of Projects P reparation of large-scale national projects (in turn supported by international funding or national budget) Organising meeting, seminar or training courses Recruiting consultant or specialist Purchasing equipment Fellowships or study grants Purchase of publications or documentations
How to Apply? a. Application Form - included in Circular Letter (CL) sent for each biennium to Ministers responsible for relations with UNESCO, NCs, Permanent Delegations and INGOs b. Deadline for Submission - set by General Conference; for was 29 9 February For biennium
Sample Application form CL/3691, Annex 1, UNESCO PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME FORM FOR SUBMISSION OF A REQUEST To reach UNESCO, ERC/RMS/PP Section – Fax , by 29 February 2004 at the latest Request number (leave blank) 1. Request submitted by (name of country, territory or international NGO): _________________________________ ___ 2. Title of project and place of implementation: _________________________________ ___ 3. Order of priority: 4. Dates of implementation of the project: Commencement date ____________________________ Termination date ____________________________ Please take account of the fact that the first approvals will not be granted before June Type of assistance requested: Type of assistance Implementation by UNESCO programme sectors, services concerned or field offices Implementation by the beneficiary Financial contribution (in US $) Specialists and consultants Study grants and fellowships Publications, periodicals and documentation Material and equipment Conferences, meetings or seminars 6. Contribution from the Member State or NGO in US $: _________________________________ Please enter the amount so that a full evaluation can be made. CL/3691 Annex I – page 2 7. (a) Description of the project: _________________________________ ___ (b) Detailed description of estimated budget: (provide a pro forma invoice for equipment) _________________________________ ___
(continue on a separate page, if necessary) C/5 activity to which this project relates: 9. Geographical coverage of the project (tick the appropriate box): National Subregional (1) Interregional (1) Regional (2) (1) Project supported by at least two Member States: _________________________________ __ (attached form in Annex II to be completed by the Member States) (2) Regional project supported by at least three Member States: _______________________________ (form in Annex III) Annex I – page Name of the body responsible for carrying out the project: _________________________________ ___ 11. Beneficiary institution(s): name, address, telephone No., fax No. _________________________________ ___ 12. In the case of financial contributions, please tick the appropriate box: method of payment by bank transfer to the National Commission (recommended for reasons of reliability and speed) (In addition, please supply a statement of account information) currency of payment US dollars euros other ____________ or via the field office or via UNDP Annex I – page In the case of material, address to which it should be sent: _________________________________ _________________________________ _____ 14. The applicant accepts the conditions set out in 32 C/Resolution 45 on the Participation Programme, adopted by the General Conference at its 32nd session. _________________________________ ___ Date Stamp and signature – of the Secretary-General of the National Commission for UNESCO or the recognized representative of the Government or of the international non- governmental organization
Some examples of Approved PP projects for – Barbados. Faculty and programme development in the visual performing arts. Development of inventory system for historic sites and monuments – Cape Verde. History of the theatre in Cape Verde – Cook Islands. Oral heritage preservation project (Stage II) – St Kitts & Nevis. Training of trainers in dance – Tokelau. Technical assistance for national cultural policy – Trinidad & Tobago. ‘Banwari Trace’ – a look into the past. ‘Up from slavery’ – struggle, transformation, action. Caribbean Slave Route. – Tuvalu. Development of Tuvalu cultural policy – Comoros. Follow-up Barbados + 10 – Trinidad And Tobago. Assessing the human watershed aquifer system through the establishment of an experimental catchment – Niue. Groundwater assessment of Niue water systems – Aruba. Aids and education in Aruba – Palau. Establishing the Palau herbarium: equipment set-up and training for operations, management and maintenance – Cook Islands. Youth Education, environmental awareness programme
For 2006 – 07 biennium Consider how PP funds might assist your various initiatives in the context of: Small Islands Voice Youth Visioning Island Communities in Action Education for Sustainable Development, e.g Sandwatch particularly as follow-up to the Mauritius International Meeting /implementing the Mauritius Strategy.
For further information: Pick up ‘Handbook on the Participation Programme’ Contact your National Commission for UNESCO Check: 360e.pdf