RPPR R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT The new NIH progress report standard format
R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT Use of RPPR will be required for awards beginning with progress report due dates in May 2013 that cycle in July. Currently no change to non-SNAP award progress reports or final report formats. The substance of RPPR is not significantly different from eSNAP.
R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT Information is pre-populated from NIH systems for the grantee, including PD/PI information, grant number, project title and period, performance sites, and personnel. Users will answer questions by using a checkbox, entering text or uploading a PDF, or selecting “Nothing to Report.” Grayed out sections are not applicable and can be disregarded. System checks for errors prior to submission; user cannot submit with errors.
R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT PDF attachments: Maximum size of 6 MB File names should be 50 characters or less using only standard characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _) Body of PDF can contain special characters (i.e., Greek letters) Text Boxes have character limits that should be followed (i.e., Major Goals is limited to 8,000 characters) and cannot contain special characters.
R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT Must provide details about any estimated unobligated balance >25% and a description of how remaining funds will be spent. Specific location to report aims & accomplishments of Administrative Supplements and Competitive Revisions. Publications in PI’s MyNCBI account will be displayed for easy association with the report.
R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT Additional details regarding foreign components are required (i.e., dollars spent in foreign countries). Effort on All Personnel Report will be rounded to the nearest whole person month. Effort on OS should still be to 2 decimal places. Other Features: Public Access compliance will be displayed Other Support required only if it has changed Notice of Award Link Streamlined reporting of ClinicalTrials.gov information
R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT The RPPR will have separate screens for each of the following reporting components: A. Cover Page B. Accomplishments C. Products D. Participants E. Impact F. Changes G. Special [agency specific] Reporting Requirements H. Budget [applicable only for non-SNAP awards]
PRAM (P ROGRESS R EPORT A DDITIONAL M ATERIALS ) o Requests from ICs for additional materials following the submission of the RPPR. Not required at this time, but available for use. o Link opened automatically when RPPR submitted with non-compliant publications in Status Screen. o Allows for text entry of 2,000 characters o Route and submit functionality are identical to functionality for RPPR Certification text when forwarding or submitting Must be submitted by SO or PD/PI with submit authority
I MPORTANT L INKS & A TTACHMENTS RPPR Homepage RPPR Frequently Asked Questions Direct Comparison between RPPR and eSnap Helpful hints: ts/.osp/NIH_RPPR_Helpful_Hints.pdf ts/.osp/NIH_RPPR_Helpful_Hints.pdf Full RPPR Template (screenshots) Double-click the picture to the right