Hora sv. Kateřiny Institutions
Kindergarten The building of kindergarten has been used as a school since This school is used mostly for children from Hora Svaté Kateřiny, Brandov, Nová Ves v Horách. It makes parents possible to stay calm at work. This school cooperates with German kindergarten in Deutschneudorf. It helps to settle people in the mountains.
School kitchen There was a district court from 19th century, practically to In the cellar there were three cells. Nowadays it is s used for accomodating children from shools and groups of other interests. They use the dining room and assembly room. In 1894, they installed a clock up in the tower. It was a gift from the local mayor. Behind this building, in Stone street, there was the mining management building.
Seniors’ house It was launched after reconstruction in Thanks to it there was created possibility for seniors to live in 18 new and modern flats. It had been built for 9 months thanks to a grant from the State Foundation of Living Development.
Holy Virgin Column It is a sandstone column with the statue of Holy Virgin, it was made in Virgin Maria looks to the west. The column is sometimes called „the plague pillar“ beacuse it was built when there were plague epidemic. More than 50 per cent people died. The Column was repaired in 2007.
The Kateřina Cinema The cinema re-started to work in 2003 after it had not been in service for 20 years. The service was re-launched thanks to the municipality. Children, adults, even cottagers from another villages have been visiting the cinema since then. The cinema has already hosted about visitors.
Firehouse In the 70s, it was rebuilt from school gym. Local Volunteer Fire Brigade is one of the best teams in the whole Most region.
Primary School The original primary school was situated at the Church square, where is now the kindergarten. Childern from Hora svaté Kateřiny, Litvínov, Brandov, Nová Ves v Horách, Horní Jiřetín use this school. School’s equipment is in good condition. The main aim of the city is preserving the school and starting Czech-German education process.
Cemetery There is a cross commemorating German soldiers. It is from World War II. Around this cross is a beautiful countryside with many trees and undamaged grass. This cross invokes odd feelings.
Made by Lukáš Homola Jiří Černý Jindřich Kraus Jakub Vaňásek Kvarta 08/09