Making a positive contribution
What does making a positive contribution mean? As a group discuss the words:
Ways of making a positive contribution Using the work sheet How do we make a positive contribution in groups, discuss and write down as many of the methods we use in school, the community and the world to make a positive contribution. How do these contributions affect those people?
How do we make a positive contribution? The following slides will show you different groups of people who make positive contributions. Discuss how these groups make positive changes and how this affects the people they help.
Making a positive contribution in school
Making a positive contribution in our community
Making a positive contribution to our world
Task Now that you have looked at all the different ways in which we can make a positive contribution to our school, community and world. You must complete the following task:
Task Choose one of the following options. 1)School 2)The Community 3)The world
Task For whichever category you have chosen, in groups, try and identify something which needs to be made better. This change must benefit all. How will you go about making this happen? You must come up with an organisation / group, present the problem and the positive solution. You can do this in the form of a display. Use the next slide for ideas…..
School Group NameProblemHow can we resolve this? LitterbugsExcess litter in school
The Community Group NameProblemHow can we resolve this? Keeping our town tidy Excess litter in our town
The World Group NameProblemHow can we resolve this?
The positive contribution Once your group has come up with an idea, write a short statement to say how and why this will make a positive contribution to the school / community / society.
Useful websites ndex.htmhttp:// ndex.htm