Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson Seventh President of the United States 1828-1836
1. Appealed to the Common Man because he was one…… JACKSON THE MAN Emotional, arrogant and passionate. Dueled---could drink, smoke, curse and fight with the best of them Lawyer, Judge, senator, general and finally President First president from the West 1. Appealed to the Common Man because he was one……
General Jackson’s Military Career Defeated the Creeks at Horseshoe Bend in 1814 Defeated the British at New Orleans in 1815 Took Florida and claimed it for the US in 1819. Loved by his soldiers called him “Old Hickory”
BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS New orleans 4,500 U.S. troops led by Andrew Jackson defeat 10,000 British troops. Threatened the Louisiana Purchase. British defeated on January 8, 1815, 2 weeks after the Treaty of Ghent was negotiated to end the war.
8. Florida Becomes Part of US After War of 1812, Spain had difficulty governing Florida Seminole Indians, runaway slaves, and white outlaws conducted raids into U.S. territory and retreated to safety across the Florida border President Monroe commissioned General Andrew Jackson to stop the raiders Jackson led a force into Florida, destroyed Seminole villages, and hanged 2 Seminole chiefs Jackson captured Pensacola and drove out the Spanish governor
William H. Crawford [GA] Jackson’s Opponents in 1824 Henry Clay [KY] John Quincy Adams [MA] John C. Calhoun [SC] William H. Crawford [GA]
The Election of 1824 The Election of 1828 Election of 1824, 355,817 voted. Election 1828, 1,155,350 voted.
Voter Turnout In the election of 1828, there was a much higher turnout of voters than in 1824. Jackson as considered a president of the “Common Man.”
Jackson’s Inaugural was a victory for the Common Man KING MOB Jackson’s Inaugural was a victory for the Common Man Thousands of commoners came to Washington, D.C. to see Jackson inaugurated…… Inaugural
Jackson's Native-American Policy
Indian Removal Jackson’s Goal? 1830 Indian Removal Act
COTTON BELT, Cotton Kingdom GROWTH OF SLAVERY COTTON BELT, Cotton Kingdom Map Crops in South
COTTON BELT, Cotton Kingdom 2. GROWTH OF SLAVERY COTTON BELT, Cotton Kingdom Map/Cotton Belt
The Cherokee Nation After 1820
Indian Removal Act 1830
Indian Removal Act 1830 Law signed by Andrew Jackson. Forces all Native Americans living in the southeast to re-locate west of the Mississippi River.
Trail of Tears (1838-1839) The name given to the path Native Americans were forced to travel after the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
Jackson’s Professed “Love” for Native Americans
HW Assignment-- 1. Read and answer questions in Trail of Tears packet. 2. Pretend you are a member of the Cherokee tribe. Write a letter to President Jackson expressing your feelings about being forced off of your lands in the space below. 1pg minimum-2 pg maximum.