Georgia Performance Standards for Third Grade Mathematics Terms for Georgia’s (CRCT) Criterion Reference Competency Test Administered in April 2012 Davis Elementary
Second Grade Terms to Maintain Comparison of Numbers Greater than, Less than, Equal to 1230 is more than > is less than < = 201
Second Grade Terms to Maintain Addition and Subtraction of Multi-digits Numbers Correctly adds/subtracts 2 whole numbers up to 3 digits with regrouping Example: = 981 – 179=
Fact Families – Addition/Subtraction Fractions-halves and fourths ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼
Estimate to determine if an answer to a math problem is reasonable. Rounding to nearest 100 Skip counting/even and odd numbers
CRCT Third Grade Terms Place Value – ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and tenths Picture Graphs/Venn Diagram ones tens hundreds thousandsTen thousands 1 1, 5 3 4
O Venn Diagram In language arts, a Venn Diagram is used to compare or contrast 2 subjects, 2 places, 2 things, or 2 people. In math, a Venn Diagram is used to show relationships between sets. In prewriting, it is used to organize thoughts. O
CRCT Third Grade Terms Measurement-inch, foot, yard, centimeter, meter. Also half-inch and quarter-inch Arrays- An arrangement of objects in rows and columns Tell time to five minutes and measure elapsed time
CRCT Third Grade Terms Geometry Geometry Shapes/Plane Figures – triangles, squares, rectangles, trapezoid, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon Irregular Polygons-according to number of edges –Vertices Size of angles- right angle, obtuse, acute Types of triangles – equilateral, isosceles, and scalene
Pentagon – a flat shape with five sides
Vertex/vertices Vertex- the point at which the sides of an angle meet. ∟ vertex
Hexagon – a shape with six straight sides
CRCT Third Grade Terms MATH SYMBOLS < less than 120 < 399 > greater than 400 > 299 = equal to 121 = difference - means to subtract
Decimal point – period put before a decimal fraction. The periods in.5 and.30 are decimal points. Numerator/denominator ¼ ¾ denominator numerator denominator
You are working hard to be able to “show what you know” on the CRCT in April. Special Thanks to Judy Lindsay, Carole Brink, and Dee Mobley