BeeTa Labs Inc. Strategic verification of amusement characteristics since 2014
“BeeTa Labs works to simplify the synergy between strategic verification of amusement characteristics and entertainment elements.” - Davin Risk, CEO BeeTa Labs
Game Developers
“If we could remove the game developer from the amusement formulation process, we could streamline, synergize and make more efficient the evaluation process.” -Martha-Anne Winters, CAEO BeeTa Labs
“I don’t need to test, my game is perfect.” - John Westonfieldmire, CEO, Designer, Programmer, Lead Artist
At BeeTa Labs, we are the best beta beaters.
Unit Testing Alpha Testing Beta Testing Release
“A test of product performed by real users in real environments.” “An evaluation of commodity implemented by actual individuals in authentic encompassments the BeeTa way.” - Davin Risk, CEO
After internal testing Includes prospective customers Creates buzz for game Brings up problems from a player perspective Part of your testing. so must be managed
Project Planning Participant Recruiting Product Distribution Internal and External Testing Collecting Feedback Evaluate Feedback Conclusion
Converting what was said you need to do to what you need to do.
Bugzilla Mantis Trac BeeTa Bug Board 2.0
The BeeTa Beta Timeline Evaluator 3-5 games Time for reflection
What do you want Do not take everyone Incentives –Fans –Mr. Free Stuff –Active social folks Avoid –Employees –Friends –Family
What is required? What is expected? What you are testing? –Main game –Expansion –Game design Incentives and mystery Legal stuff
Non Disclousure –Your original content –Your game mechanics –The beta-testing process itself –Any forms or communications
Make it as easy as possible for user-enabled feedback data collection. We use - BeeTa Beta Bees
Forums Locked Forums Google Docs Alternative Testing
Unpub Conferences
“The art sucks.” “It’s not fun.” “The game is too hard.” “This is exactly like GameX.” “It was ok.”
“The art is cartoony on the box and realistic on the cards. This leads to confusion of the tone of the game. “ “The rules are not easy to understand and there is too much dependency on luck for my tastes.” “The controls are difficult to get use to and counter-intuitive to games like this.” “The quest where you collect chickens for the old man is too much like a quest in GameX.” “This part of the game was easy to understand and did not cause any disruption in gameplay.”
Developer chats Forums –Secure and public Change logs
Big start little finish Going to beta too early Too short or too long Difficult feedback mechanism Ignoring feedback
Our new Two Kings product Role Play as Three BeeTa Beta Bees Provide poor feedback example Provide a good feedback example
What do you think of the game art? Did you find the rules easy to follow? Is the queen character overpowered? How can we add a third person to the game? Should we include a co-op mode?