Digital Highways Digital Highways What are they? Why do we need them? How do we get there? Ron Singh, PLS Chief of Surveys/Geometronics Manager Oregon Department of Transportation ODOT Surveyors Conference Salem, Oregon 1 April, 2014
Maps Purpose - Visualize a representation of a (physical) real world area Evolution ◦Crude sketches (2D) ◦1:x Scale drawings (2D) ◦1:1 Scale drawings (2D and 2 ½D) ◦True 3D (varying levels) Virtual world 2
Design Workflow - PAST Referenced to alignment (“P” line, etc.) Site represented by 2D Base Map Terrain represented by Cross Sections Grade represented by Profiles Blind between data points 2D design Paper plans and specifications Wet signatures 3
Design Workflow - TODAY Geospatially referenced Coordinates projected to plane Site represented by 2 ½ D Base Map Terrain represented by Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Blind between data points – albeit closer 3D roadway prism design flattened to 2D Paper plans and specifications Wet or Digital signatures 4
Design Workflow - FUTURE Truly Geospatially referenced 3D coordinate system – No projections Site/Terrain represented by virtual world Full 3D design Digital signatures 3D data utilized for construction Hierarchy – Data primary, plans secondary 5
Traditional As-built Plans Documents changes to plans Red lines on hardcopy plans Now on CAD drawings Low priority compared to construction Very dependent on inspector Made from rough measurements Not sealed by engineer or surveyor 6
Traditional As-built Plans 2D Unreliable Not useful for subsequent engineering 7
Future Engineering data life cycle As-built 3D model Utilize for maintenance, operation, asset management and future engineering Engineering accuracy Low distortion coordinates Post Construction Survey Sealed by licensed surveyor 8
Post Construction Survey Performed during and post construction Final Horizontal and Vertical Control Right-of-Way boundary Roadway prism information and DTM Underground utilities and features On-ground features Above ground features 9
For Intelligent Decisions… We need knowledge Knowledge: Acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study, investigation or information. 10
Knowledge of… Our transportation system -- what we have It’s condition The load on it Areas of concern Public’s need Gaps Priorities Resources Funding 11 VISION for the future PLAN for the future!
Safer, smarter, less disruptive surveying 3D Design – advanced visualization, clash and problem detection Automated machine guidance and intelligent construction systems Sophisticated asset management for informed decisions Efficient operation of our highway system Digital Highways Future backbone of highway information system enabling: 12 … and the inevitable transition to partial and fully autonomous vehicles.
Highway Lifecycle Data Digital Highways – entire state system Visual – image based, solid models Created by existing feature data capture Interspersed by 3D Engineered Models ◦Engineering centerline alignment ◦Right-of-way boundary ◦Design/As-built ◦Asset inventory w/attributes ◦Performance data 13
Operational Needs See ◦Above, on and below the surface Measure ◦Location (geospatial), distance, area, volume Evaluate ◦Age, condition, performance Find/Query ◦Locate, tally, report Relate ◦ Planer, Linear Referencing, adjoiners 14
Operational Needs Manage Performance ◦Safety, traffic volume, weather impacts, Track History ◦Design, construction, documents Understand Geometry ◦Design, as-built, survey, professionals of record Retrieve Documents ◦Contracts, inter-governmental agreements, plan sets, technical reports 15
Operational Needs Monitor ◦Movement, deformation, degradation Simulate ◦Traffic, oversize routing Overlay ◦Live traffic, micro weather 16
Today 17
Point Clouds Enables the development of Digital Highways A means to an end Created, certified, and managed by expert qualified personnel Black Box Simplified for end user 18
Point Clouds (for projects) Full Utilization of Information Rich Point Clouds From “2½D BaseMap” to “Virtual World” No Traditional (Triangulated) DTM Critical 3D Objects: ◦Mathematically Modeled (geometric solid object) ◦Mesh Modeled (reality, imperfect, discreet objects) 3D Feature Extraction ONLY Where Necessary for Design Certified by Professional of Record 19
Point Clouds (as an asset) Virtual Highway Corridors ◦Information Rich Point Clouds ◦Aerial and Oblique Imagery Accuracy ◦Low for entire system ◦Engineering/Quality in certain areas Programmatic Approach (statewide, cyclic) Updated by Project As-Built Post Construction Surveys 20
Point Clouds (as an asset) Integrated w/GIS ◦Engineering Alignments ◦Right-of-Way Boundaries ◦Asset Inventory ◦Pavement Conditions Replacement for Digital Video Log Safety Analysis Accident Reconstruction Survey (streamline) Oversize Vehicle Routing 21
22 Proactive Data-centric Approach Proactive Data-centric Approach
23 Project Development Survey Virtual Site 3D Design Construction Staking Digitally Signed Data 20% Machine Control Digitally Signed Engineering Data Archive 80% Digitally Signed Future Post Construction Survey
Tomorrow 24
Recent Example of Operational Use of LiDAR 25
26 Sanpoil
Thank You! 35 Ron Singh, PLS Chief of Surveys/Geometronics Manager Oregon Department of Transportation Ron Singh, PLS Chief of Surveys/Geometronics Manager Oregon Department of Transportation