What do all these numbers mean? Columbia Elementary Data Night - Winter
Winter Data Night 0 THANK YOU for coming – being here shows your dedication to your child’s educational success 0 Our goal tonight is to have you leave understanding where your child is academically for his/her grade level expectations 0 Data can be messy and hard to understand sometimes 0 We will try our best to make sure you know how your child scored on the mid year assessments 0 As a school, we take this data on each kid and make instructional decisions to move them forward in learning 0 If you would like to meet and discuss your child further, please sign up before leaving tonight and the teacher will get in contact with you
AIMS 0 Is a benchmark assessment given to all students (K-2) in the fall, winter and spring. 0 It measures early literacy skills and reading fluency 0 LNF=Letter Naming Fluency 0 LSF=Letter Sound Fluency 0 PSF=Phoneme Segmentation Fluency 0 NWF=Nonsense Word Fluency 0 RCBM=Reading-Curriculum Based Measurement
LNF=Letter naming fluency 0 Given to Kindergarten students to measure how many letters they can name in 1 minute 0 Letters are randomly mixed up on the test, so it is not just reading a-z over and over
LSF=Letter Sound Fluency 0 Given to Kindergarten in the winter and 1 st grade students to measure how many letter sounds they can name in 1 minute 0 Letters are randomly mixed up on the test 0 The kindergarten target for winter is 27 0 The 1 st grade target for winter is 48 sounds in 1 minute
PSF=Phoneme Segmentation fluency 0 Given to Kindergarten in the winter and 1 st grade students to measure how many sounds they can segment in 1 minute 0 Students hear a word and have to say out loud all the different sounds in that word 0 For students who are already readers, sometimes this score does not accurately reflect their ability 0 The kindergarten target for winter is 31 0 The 1 st grade target for winter is 52 letter sounds in 1 minute
NWF=Nonsense Word Fluency 0 Given to Kindergarten in the spring and 1 st grade students to measure how many nonsense words they can read in 1 minute 0 The 1 st grade target for winter is 55 nonsense word sounds in 1 minute 0 They use nonsense words to avoid the students knowing the words by sight and to assess how they decode each word 0 If you have a 1 st grade students who is reading and comprehending at a high level they may not do so well on this test. We do further testing to determine areas to focus on with these students. 0 Nonsense words only measure short vowel sounds
RCBM=Reading curriculum based measurement 0 Given to 1 st grade (starting in the spring) and 2 nd grade students. 0 We also give it to 3 rd -5 th grade students who are reading below grade level. 0 Students are asked to read 3 different passages for 1 minute each 0 This test is measuring how many words a student can read in 1 minute 0 We call this their reading fluency
RCBM continued 0 The winter target score for 2 nd grade is 89 words per minute 0 The winter target score for 3 rd grade is 112 words per minute 0 The winter target score for 4 th grade is 126 words per minute 0 The winter target score for 5 th grade is 140 words per minute
DRA2=Developmental Reading Assessment 0 The DRA2 is used by teachers to systematically observe, record and evaluate changes in student reading performance over time 0 The DRA2 is given to all students in the winter. 0 The DRA2 measures accuracy, comprehension and fluency
DRA2 0 The winter target for Kinder. is The winter target for 1 st grade is The winter target for 2 nd grade is The winter target for 3 rd grade is The winter target for 4 th grade is The winter target for 5 th grade is 5050
DRA Level 2 Sample
DRA Level 10 Sample
DRA Level 20 Sample
DRA Level 34 Sample
DRA Level 40 Sample
DRA Level 50 Sample
SRI=Scholastic Reading Inventory 0 The Scholastic Reading Inventory is given to all students in grades 3, 4, and 5 three times per year. 0 It is an electronic reading comprehension test that deals with a lot of inferencing type questions. 0 Inferencing are those questions that aren’t directly answered in the text, but require some self knowledge 0 3 rd grade scores should be between th grade scores should be between th grade scores should be between
Envision Math 0 We are going to walk you through the process of getting online to see your child’s math progress up to this point in the year. papp/login/PsnLandingPage.jsp?showLa ndingPage=true
Words Their Way 0 Each student is given the Words Their Way Spelling Inventory 3 times each year 0 This test measures each students’ developmental spelling stage so that we can individualize phonics, spelling, and vocabulary instruction
Words their way Stages 0 Emergent Stage- pre K to middle 1 st grade 0 Letter Name-Alphabetic Stage- K to early 3 rd grade 0 Within Word Pattern Stage- 1 st to middle 4 th grade 0 Syllables and Affixes Stage- 3 rd to 8 th grade 0 Derivational Relations Stage- 5 th to 12 th grade 0 Each of these stages are then broken down into Early, Middle, Late
What now? 0 We believe at Columbia it is extremely important for you to understand where your child is academically. 0 Grades sometimes can make understanding your child’s academic ability foggy, especially if you have a student who is behind but works hard to correct things and fix mistakes. 0 Our assessments help us differentiate for your child. Based on what your child is showing us they can do is how we take the next steps in the classroom with instruction. 0 Whether your child is struggling in one area, many areas, or meeting grade level expectations – there are ways you can help at home.
How do I help at home? 0 Tonight you’ll receive a one page tip list of activities you can do with your child if they are struggling with reading skills. 0 Your child should be reading EVERY NIGHT. If you are needing resources or help of what this looks like in your home, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Mwangi or the classroom teacher. 0 In addition, we hope you engage in our online math curriculum. You can access lessons your child completes in class to review at home.