Instructional strategy: literacy and comprehension building
By the end of today’s professional development, I will be able to identify and apply key characteristics of Think-Aloud strategies as evidenced by connecting video demonstrations to teaching practices through group discussions and completing a graphic organizer.
Students harness and monitor their thinking processes. Students use it for comprehension building, literacy development, and test taking strategies. Teachers model it. Students can use it in groups and individually. Revolves around metacognition (thinking about your thinking), applying it to comprehension and problem solving.
Allows students to harness their “inner voice” when reading or engaging with content. Helps students rationalize and provide evidence of how they derived a response or solution. Think-Alouds can be applied to test taking skills, assisting in finding the best response.
Whenever reading textual material. Whenever finding solutions to problems. Whenever going through steps in a process or procedure. Whenever attempting to find correct answers on tests.
Explaining and teaching the steps of problem solving through self- reflection and review; that is, demonstrating how to say aloud the steps used in problem solving.
Share your ideas from your graphic organizer with your colleagues. Share with the whole faculty.