Touring Through the Toolbar Exploring e-Sword’s Possibilities
Bible Books – First Navigator SPECIFIC VERSE NAVIGATOR: If you don’t remember anything else about e-Sword—remember this: CONTROL + L This command used anywhere in all e-Sword windows will immediately move your cursor to this text search box where you can type in the book name, chapter and verse plus ENTER. This will take you to your requested verse in your active Bible. TIP: Enter verse in correct format like this: Joh 3:16 Don’t enter multiple verses with the chapter. You can spell out the complete Bible book name or use the three-letter e-Sword abbreviation TIP: To move quickly through your Bible, press Function + Function keys as noted below: Previous chapter – F5 Next chapter – F8 Previous verse – F9 Next verse – F12
Bible Books – Second Navigator SPECIFIC CHAPTER NAVIGATOR: When you first install e-Sword on your computer, you will see the Bible Books navigator window on the lefthand side of the screen. Using the slider bar to go to a specific Bible book, click on desired book, click on the desired chapter of that book. e-Sword will take you to verse one of that chapter. TIP: You can unpin the Bible Books navigator to gain more window space for the four other windows. Once unpinned, the Bible Books window will slide out for use when you click on the Bible Books tab.
Bible Books – Third Navigator SPECIFIC CHAPTER/VERSE NAVIGATOR: The Lookup Scripture Reference window is an alternate way to look up a specific text. Use the slider bars to set up your verse search and the Bible window will display your text in the active Bible. The second and third columns contain the complete listing of chapters and verses of the selected Bible book for convenient and easy reference.
Bible Books – Verse Trail VERSE TRAIL A Verse Trail is made for each session of e-Sword. When you want to return to a verse you previously visited, click on this down arrow to view all the verses you have recently accessed. Click on that verse to view. The left and right arrows will take you to the single verse on either side of the active verse you are currently at. TIP: The Verse Trail will clear after each session of e-Sword.
Bible – Harmony Bible Harmony modules are a great resource for your Markup Bible and Study Notes. Bible Harmony modules are a good way to see comparative relationships in God’s Word.
Bible – Verse List When you do a Bible/Search for a specific word or phrase, you can save that search by turning it into a Verse List for later reference as follows. This is a completed Bible/Search on the words “patient, patience, waited”. Next click on the Verse List icon here. The “Convert Search to Verse List” window will open. Next, click OK in the convert window. The “Verse List” window will open. Your search list can be found in the dropdown box; click on the name of your search list. Your original Bible/Search results are now saved to a Verse List for future reference. Note the edit buttons on the right-hand side of the window You can access your newly created Verse List by clicking the Bible/Verse List pathway OR by clicking on the Verse List icon in the main toolbar. Once a verse list is active, you can quickly view the list of texts by clicking on the down arrow here; access Previous or Next texts using the right and left arrows.
Bible – Analyze Verses Word counts show a Bible writer’s repetitive use of certain words that may be significant to your study.
Bible – Markup This practical e-Sword feature is absolutely the best way to mark up your Bible to your heart’s content... Click on “Bible” Click on “Markup File” Enter the new Markup Bible name in the File Name field; then Click SAVE. Example: “Praise Bible”. Your Markup Bible is now ready to underscore and highlight all the texts and stories you find in the Bible that praise and honor God. Select “New” to create a markup Bible; “Open” to resume an established markup Bible VERY IMPORTANT: Click on the tab of the Bible for which you want to create a Markup file (example: KJV); next time click the KJV tab before re-opening the Markup Bible. TIP: To view Bible with NO markings, go to Bible/ Markup; click on “OPEN” and then click on “markup.ovlx”; click OPEN—window closes, you return to the Bible Window and the “clean” unmarked original Bible will display. ANOTHER TIP: When the Markup Bible is used with the Study Notes synchronize icon ON, you can “write in the margin” for the active Bible verse.
Bible – Quick Search In Context Place cursor on word, right click, select search range and Search Results will appear. You can make Search Results into a Verse List if desired. Select Search Range here
Commentary Window Many Commentary modules contain much more information than just verse comments. There are two ways to access this additional information. Follow the pathway in the Commentary menu on the left or click on the Book and Chapter Comments buttons below in the Commentaries window.
Dictionary Window-Topics Wonder no longer as to what other topics are in your active Dictionary! This is a handy guide to find specific topics quickly. The slider bar gives you access to all the topics in the active Dictionary. You can toggle this feature off if you wish to have more display space in your Dictionary window.
Tools Menu-Bible Reading Plan The Bible Reading Plan Wizard will take you through the steps to set up a customized plan where you can choose to read as much or little as you want each day. Click in the box by “Show at Startup” to have e-Sword remind you of your commitment to read God’s word daily. The setup wizard will calculate the number of reading sessions your selection will take. Click on “New Bible Reading Plan” here After selecting your parameters for your new plan, name and save your plan by clicking here, then click “Finish” below
Tools Menu-Daily Devotional Reading The Daily Devotions feature makes your devotional life full of choices for inspirational reading each morning. By clicking in the box by “Show at Startup”, e-Sword reminds you to spend time with God when you open e-Sword the first time each day no matter the time!
Tools Menu-Prayer Requests This is probably the second most important feature in e-Sword after Bible study. By recording all of your prayer requests here, your offer to pray for someone will become a precious record of how the Lord answered your prayers. Click here to start an active prayer life every day. Click on this tab to record your prayer requests.
Tools Menu-Scripture Memory To select a group of memory verses, click on the drop-down menu. Click here to begin testing your memorization skills. Tests were never so much fun! Why not practice your memory verses every day? Create your own memory verse module here
Tools Menu-Sermon Illustrations You can purchase the illustration module already populated with 4000 illustrations and add your own, or begin your own collection of illustrations sorted by your own unique categories that you create. This free “empty” module can be downloaded at
Options Menu-Languages e-Sword Bibles are available in these languages. When you select a language from the list on the right, the entire framework of e-Sword will display the words in that language. Then go to DOWNLOAD in the toolbar and select that same language BIBLE to download into your e-Sword. DCTX and CMTX modules are slowly becoming available in these other languages. Interested in a hands-on witnessing project by creating modules in another language?
Options Menu-Resource Over time, you may collect so many modules that each window has more tabs than screen space. You can restore some of that space by clicking in the boxes of your most-used modules to create a custom tab display, or click on the box by the “Display Tabs in a Single Row” below, freeing up window space. The unselected modules’ tabs will not display in e-Sword, but are still available when you wish to view them again.
Options Menu-Compare If you have collected many Bible modules but don’t need or want to have all of them display in Bible/Compare, select what you prefer to show up when you click the Compare tab.
Options Menu-Scripture Tooltip You can choose to have your tooltipped texts display in the active Bible or only in your favorite Bible— again, your choice!
Options Menu-Strong’s # Tooltip If you want to select a different lexicon for Greek or Hebrew definitions, here’s where you do it.
Options Menu-Fonts Want a different font for the windows in e-Sword? How about font size— Bigger? Smaller? Your choice...
Options Menu-Text Colors Your color preferences can be customized to what you want in all aspects of e-Sword! The verse below will change to the new color you select for different features of e-Sword so you can see if you like it or not before resuming study in e-Sword!
Download Menu Downloading modules from within e-Sword requires that you be connected to the internet. Once the modules are installed, you can disconnect from the internet, restart e-Sword and continue studying. Click on the blue title of module. The title will appear in the bottom half of the window, ready to start downloading. Click “Start” to begin downloading. Download progress will show in the bottom half of the screen “Premium Modules” are modules that need to be purchased from eStudySource. At time of purchase, you will be given an unlock code to enter when you install your module. RECORD YOUR UNLOCK CODE in case you migrate to a new computer. There are many types of modules available for you to choose from—most of them free.
Window Menu There are two ways to maximize each window. Choose either the desired icon or press the Control Key + Function Key
Help Menu The Help Menu has additional resources for learning how to use e-Sword to its maximum potential. It is recommended that you toggle on the Tip of the Day where valuable tips for using e-Sword are displayed when you first open e-Sword for the day.