THE GATHERING STORM Hostility to Jesus Grows to Point of Desperation John 11-12:19 New Life Bible Fellowship Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger March 3,
Introduction Intensification of opposition Intensification of opposition From Criticism From Criticism To Open Hostility To Open Hostility To Desperation To Desperation
Probable Time Line of Jesus Life Ch 2 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 10 Ch Temple Healing Feeding | Hanukkah Crucifixion Cleansing Lame Man 5000 Tabernacles | | | | | | Passover 1 Passover 2 or Passover 3 Passover 4 Tabernacles; or 2 or 3 not mentioned Spring Spring Spring Oct. Dec. Spring 27 or John
Hostility grows because of the publicized raising of Lazarus 11:1-12:19 A. Record of the raising 11: Jesus informed of sickness 11:1-4 a. Identity of sick person: ~Lazarus of Bethany ~Brother of Mary and Martha b. Fame of Mary: Anointing of Jesus **Event not reported until next chapter**
c. Message to Jesus: One you love is sick. 11:3 d. Purpose of sickness: Glory of God and of Gods Son 2. Jesus delays departure: Act of Love 11:4-6 a. Affirmation of Love: 11:5 b. Intentional delay: So=Therefore 11:6
3. Jesus announces his trip plans 11:7-16 Danger and loyalty a. Jesus identifies destination: Judea 11:7 b. Disciples warn of danger: Jews there tried to stone you, and yet you are going back? 11:8 c. Jesus reassurance: 12 hours of daylight 11:9-10 d. Jesus metaphorical report of Lazarus death: Trip purpose to awaken sleeping friend 11:11
e. Disciples confusion: Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better. 11:12-13 f. Jesus clarification: Lazarus is dead. 11:14-15 :... Jesus attitude:...for your sake I am glad I was not there : Jesus reason: So that you may believe. g. Thomas loyalty: Let us also go, that we may die with him. 11:16
4. Arrival at Bethany 11:17-20 a. Lazarus dead 4 days 11:17 b. Bethany two miles from Jerusalem 11:18 c. Many Jews there comforting sisters 11:19 d. Only Martha goes to meet Jesus 11:20 5. Meeting with Martha 11:21-27 a. Accusation of Martha 11:21-22 Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. BUT, I know that EVEN NOW God will give you whatever you ask. BOTH COMPLAINT AND CONFIDENCE
b. Assurance of Jesus 11:23 Your brother will rise again. c. Misunderstanding by Martha 11:24 I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day. d. Clarification by Jesus 11:25-26 I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?
I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.
e. Marthas confession of faith 11:27 Yes Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world. 6. Meeting with Mary 11:28-32 a. Summoned by Martha 11:28 b. Accompanied by Jewish mourners 11:29-31 c. Accusation by Mary 11:32 Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. LITERAL TRANSLATION: *Martha: would not have died the brother of me *Mary: would not of me have died the brother
7. Performance of miracle 11:33-44 Emotional disturbance and resurrection a. Jesus Emotional Disturbances 11:33-38 ~ When Jesus saw her …and the Jews... weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. 11:33 ~ Jesus wept. 11:35 *Jewish mourners impressed with Jesus love for Lazarus, but confused* ~ Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. 11:38
b. Jesus raises Lazarus 11:38-44 ~Removal of Stone 11:38-39a ~Marthas Hesitation 11:39b ~Jesus Reminder 11:40 ~Jesus Prayer for audiences benefit 11:41-42 ~Jesus Command 11:43 ~Lazarus raised from the Dead 11:44 Lazarus raised with mortal body Jesus raised with immortal body
Crisis Mounting Belief Unbelief B. Reaction to raising Lazarus 11:4512:19 Crisis Mounting Belief Unbelief Many believed 11:45 --some report to rel. leaders 11:46 --council against Jesus 11:47 --plot to kill Jesus 11:53 Passover crowd interested Summons to arrest Jesus 11:57 in Jesus 11:55-56 Marys private devotion Criticism by Judas 12:4-6 12:1-3 Curiosity about Lazarus Plot to kill Lazarus 12:10 and belief in Jesus due to miracle 12:11
Crisis Mounting Belief Unbelief B. Reaction to raising Lazarus 11:45-12:19 Crisis Mounting Belief Unbelief Public demonstration Desperation by Pharisees at Triumphal entry due to 12:19 miracle 12:12-18
CONCLUSION ~~There is life after death ~~Death is transformed by Jesus ~~All will experience physical resurrection ~~There is life after death ~~Death is transformed by Jesus ~~All will experience physical resurrection