Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Preparing for training Principles and practicalities A presentation by Bruce Hugman Consultant to the UMC
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Purpose What are the exact purposes/objectives of the training –As a whole (vision; the grand plan)? –In each section? In terms of –Behaviour? –Attitude?
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC The trainer What level of knowledge? What level of training skill? What training materials? What supervision and support? Skills for training the trainers
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Your students What is the current frame of mind of the students: –Motivation –Attitude –Knowledge –Ability to learn –Willingness to change –Need for achievement/reward: intrinsic/extrinsic
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Obstacles What are the internal and external obstacles to their learning and to changing? –How can they be helped to deal with internal obstacles? –How can they be helped to deal with external obstacles?
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Learning style What are their key learning modes/styles and expectations? –Passive/interactive/participative –Theoretical/academic (educational) –See and imitate/rote learning (training/apprenticeship) –Follow instructions (mechanistic training) –Debate and learn (educational/developmental)
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Key influences (1) What are the key influences in the success of the learning task? –Contextual (work environment; bosses, etc) –Personal (readiness, motivation and learning mode) –Purpose (vision; perceived value/importance) –Method (match to student profile and the real world)
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Key influences (2) –Implementation (feasibility; variation, discretion, improvisation, support) –Follow-up (evaluation, re- inforcement/reward, re-training)
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Principles of good education/training –Empathy with students –Clear purpose and objectives –Participation and processing of learning –Reinforcement of learning –Repetition of core learning tasks –Testing of learning –Support and monitoring –Reward.
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Lesson planning (1) Define practical, achievable objectives for the session and the whole course Identify the exact learning to take place (outcomes) –Knowledge –Skills –Attitudes/values –Behaviour
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Lesson planning (2) What do you want to have changed by the end of the session?
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Lesson planning (3) Brainstorm available training methods and materials Choose appropriate methods and materials Make them interesting, elegant, modern and memorable
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Lesson planning (4) Build in participative discussion and activity Build in checks of understanding and assessment of learning Use some imaginative methods (e.g. case-studies, tests, quizzes, games) Motivate, challenge and stimulate
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Plan a one hour training session An overview of the importance of ADR monitoring for the welfare and safety of patients being treated for HIV/AIDS: purpose and practice
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC Output A Powerpoint presentation describing your lesson plan in detail OR A Powerpoint presentation prepared for your actual lesson –Not more than 20 slides –The lesson itself does not have to be delivered as a Powerpoint presentation
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC
Pretoria 2004Bruce Hugman/UMC