Geneva, November Trade, Transport and International Logistics: The role of trade facilitation
1)Globalization 2)Role of transport 3)Role of logistics 4)Role of trade facilitation Trade, Transport, Logistics and Technologies: An Introduction
1)Globalization 2)Role of transport 3)Role of logistics 4)Role of trade facilitation Trade, Transport, Logistics and Technologies: An Introduction
Globalization of trade What is meant by “Globalization” of trade? Global production, with increased trade in components and unfinished products
Globalization of trade
What are the causes of Globalization? Trade liberalization Telematics Standardization Transport and Logistics
Elasticity Trade/GDP Exports = 2.5 GDP – 3
Trade grows faster than GDP Source: data from UNCTAD and from WTO
For a country’s GDP to grow e.g. 5%, trade “needs” to grow 7 – 12%
Traditional “Geography of Trade” Transportation of all kinds of commodities for industrial processing (South -> North)
Traditional “Geography of Trade” Transportation of all kinds of commodities for industrial processing (South -> North) Exchange of industrial products for consumption (North North; and North -> South) Supplies of parts and components for industrial production (North North)
The emergence of the emerging economies Source: UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport, 2012 (forthcoming)
The emergence of the emerging economies Old Scenario: Developing countries exported large volumes of raw materials and imported high value (low volume) manufactured goods Source: UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport, 2012 (forthcoming)
The emergence of the emerging economies Today’s Scenario: Developing countries participate in globalized production. They also import raw materials and also export manufactured goods Source: UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport, 2012 (forthcoming)
1)Globalization 2)Role of transport 3)Role of logistics 4)Role of trade facilitation Trade, Transport, Logistics and Technologies: An Introduction
Mode of transport of global trade ? metric tons (excluding intra-EU)
Mode of transport of global trade metric tons (excluding intra-EU) Source: Global Insight
Mode of transport of global trade ? USD (excluding intra-EU) Source: Global Insight
Mode of transport of global trade USD (excluding intra-EU) Source: Global Insight
Example: You want to buy a car “made in Mexico”. Today: is its transport from Mexico to Geneva more or less expensive than 20 years ago? Globalization and international transport
Less expensive BUT: You pay MORE for “transport” then 20 years ago. Why?
1)Globalization 2)Role of transport 3)Role of logistics 4)Role of trade facilitation Trade, Transport and International Logistics: An Introduction
Logistics in the supply chain Source: “logistics management”, IML, Lausanne Transport Logistics Supply Chain
Logistics Expenditure in the United States CSCM – State of Logistics Report 2010
1)Globalization 2)Role of transport 3)Role of logistics 4)Role of trade facilitation Trade, Transport, Logistics and Technologies: An Introduction
Examples of technologies ?
International seaborne trade for selected years index of major commodities Source: UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport, 2011
Trade is measured in “TEU”
Anytime: day and night operations
Anywhere: e.g. Tierra del Fuego in Chile
… the world’s driest desert
… Luanda
Guayaquil … Hamburg (daytime)
… Bandar Abas
…Suez Canal
…Panama Canal
… France
Anyhow: intermodal
… into Burkina Faso
… Mekong River
Zambia … into Zambia
Anything: The United Nations
Anything: e.g. port library in Rio de Janeiro
Technologies in international logistics 30 years ago: Containerization Today: Telematics
Fuente: Michael Schwank, TOC Americas, 2004 Intercambio de datos Information exchange Automatización Automation
[New] technologies can help… +Planning for cargo handling operations +Organizing onward transport +Improving cargo security +Tracing the status and location of cargo +Data exchange +Preparing transport documents +Customs clearance +… = trade facilitation
1)Globalization 2)Role of transport 3)Role of logistics 4)Role of trade facilitation Trade, Transport, Logistics and Technologies: An Introduction Questions?