Here is a basic overview of the program (part 3):
Watch and learn how to edit audio:
EXERCISE TWO 1. Open your Exercise One, rename it ‘Exercise Two’, and export it (as if you were saving it again). 2. Edit out any clicks, shorten any pauses and use the amplify effect if needed. 3. Use whatever resources you have available (your own files, librarians, your instructor, friends, the web, etc.) and acquire and save at least four appropriate music files to mix into exercise one. 4. Experiment with the various other effects, change the exercise as you wish and save your work. 5. Click the ‘File’ tab, then click ‘New’ (or press the ‘Ctrl’ and ‘N’ keys) then scroll down in the file tab to import and pick one of the music files you saved that would be an appropriate introduction to the preamble. 6. Edit the music intro a short introduction piece by selecting the portion you like, copying it to the clipboard, opening a new file and pasting the clip into/as the new file. Add a fade in effect and a fade out effect. Save your work by exporting it as a WAV file. 7. Repeat this process with another music file as an end to the preamble. 8. Submit both clips to your instructor for evaluation.